Shaheed Diwas 2008

On 23rd March 1931, Bhagat Singh, Rajguru and Sukhdev gave their lives for the “Independent nation” they dreamed of. But sadly, 77 years after the three men gave their lives, one can still see the exploitation and the tyranny reigning in the country. We, at Sankalp India Foundation, organize an event on this day and remember their dreams and work towards them.
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On 23rd March 2008, the event called “One With Bhopal” was organized. It was a Candle Light Vigil, a Picture Gallery and a petition campaign, to express our solidarity with the Bhopal Gas Disaster victims and protestants. The event was held in front of Mahatma Gandhi Statue, M G Road, from 6pm to 7:30pm.

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We reached the spot at around 5:30pm and started arranging the Picture Gallery related to the Disaster. At around 6pm, the event began with the singing of Vande Mataram and Aye Watan. Then there were talks given by the Volunteers on the Three Martyrs and the Bhopal Gas Disaster. We then remembered the Martyrs in silence. Then we raised our voice against the Dow Chemicals, and voiced our solidarity with the victims of the Disaster. Many incidents and facts related to the incident were discussed in the gathering, and the petition was signed by all the people who gathered there.

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At around 6:45pm, candles were lit and silence was maintained for the victims of the Disaster. We arranged the candles in the form of “BHOPAL” and sang patriotic songs around the candles. As we watched the candles melt lower and lower, our convictions grew stronger and we decided that we will stand by the victims until the very end, till they get the Justice they truly deserve.JPEG Image

At around 7:30pm, we cleared the wax from the candles (reluctantly, because of the exceeding permission time limit) from the floor and returned back after spending the day, as worthy its name, Shaheed, and importance, as possible.

Sankalp Unit