Why India Liberated Bangladesh

Submitted by pravachak on
I was a keen student of politics when I was young. I used to go through as much as possible on India and Pakistan relations, the major political events and similar stuff. One of my must reads those days was India Today which gave me some insight into the world I was living in.

My inquisitive mind always wanted more and more answers and I debated with elder people till they got frustrated with me. On one occasion I was sitting between some really well educated men (mostly teachers in a degree college) and the discussion about Indo-Pak relations was on. Making a point somewhere in the discussion one of the lecturers noted -"India should have never poked it's nose in Bangladesh. It is because we choose to poke our nose in our neighbor's affairs that all today we have bad relation with Pakistan."

On a personal front I rejected his argument outright. I knew that these problems did not take birth in 1971. I knew it was a useless thing to be said. BUT.. I was left with a question. "Why did India at all attack Bangladesh?"

Things happened (and not happened) and time passed by. Somehow that question lost it's importance in my mind. I did not have an answer for myself.

Sitting in my nice cozy chair on a summer afternoon, not very happy with the way things have been going, I wished to seek some relief by spending some time knowing about our mighty defense forces. And there I was.. Youtubing and googling.

I found an interesting video from the 1965 war in which the way the Indian Army thrashed the Pakis in Asal Uttar. Then I pressed a few more buttons an stumbled upon something that talked about genocide in Bangladesh.

And there I was.. the question afresh and the heart beating a few extra times..

I found some answers.. Here they are .. For you to see.

* * * * * * * WARNING * * * * * * *
The following have some heart rendering and even horrifying images of what happened in Bangladesh. They may be unsuitable for sensitive viewers. YOUR DESCRETION IS REQUESTED!





Search more on Youtube and Google.


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Power can be used in 2 ways. To Protect (as our forces did) and to Destroy (as their forces did).


Think once about the American Power!