Why not to take the Hosur Road Expressway in Bangalore

Submitted by rajat on

Hosur Road ExpresswayA whooping 765 crore worth expressway is now operational between Silk Board Junction and Electronic city in Bangalore. Few years back this 10km stretch took motorists an hour and even more. Simply speaking, it was a nightmare. Few months back when they inaugurated this expressway, I was very excited about the experience. I took an opportunity to zoom across the fine piece of construction and managed to get through the 10 kms in about 6 minutes :-). However, today I traveled to EC for the 4th time after the inauguration and I did not take the expressway. Here's why:

  • Excellent Condition of the Road below the expressway: since the opening of the expressway one thing that has remarkably changed are the roads below it. They have railings on both sides, you can't find a single pothole, very few intersections and at least 3 lanes on each side :) There are very few roads that match the quality of these roads which lie under the great expressway and it a congestion free joyride to zoom across them - almost as good as the expressway itself (if you don't mind the occasional signals). I took 9 minutes to drive past the same stretch. Isn't that cool. One more thing I noted is that the greenery on the expressway has scorched out and wilted, while on the roads below you have amazing plants lining the road.
  • Cost: Like I said, the quality of the roads below has ensured that the time taken to reach EC with or without the expressway is almost same. The signals on the road below are compensated by the long payment queues that you ave to join on the expressway. So, why pay Rs 20/- a trip for a bike without any significant gain.expressway
  • Expressway Shields the Road below from Sun and Rain: While people on the expressway are exposed to the harsher side of nature on a shadeless, treeless surrounding, the people on the free road below enjoy the luxury of a shade - thanks to the expressway. Rain or Sun, just avoid the expressway and you are good to keep going :)
  • Save Your Peace of Mind: If you thought you could ride the way you like on the expressway - mind it! The 'white dressed men' from the unarmed wing of police have found a new place to ...... I would rather see the nice guys trying to manage the crossings on the road below that see the camera and equipment loaded cyber force on the flyover, perfectly trained to make the Government rich and the people - miserable.

Take my advice. Enjoy your ride to EC not by using the Expressway :)

It takes an expressway to improve the humble roads. God be with us.