
Submitted by pravachak on

I come back to this site often not because of the fact that it is the most active and happening site. I come back to this site because down the line I have developed a sense of comfort on this site. You can almost say that this site is my virtual home. A definition to my obscure identity.

I am amazed at how some piece of software can so get into your life that you feel jeolous for it, you feel obsessed with it, you miss it and you want to so much participate in it. What is it that makes this site so unique for ME?. I guess it is me. This site gave me the best of the 2 worlds that I always wanted. I wanted expression - I wanted my heart to speak the language it wants to speak. I wanted to write and share. And here I am. My most emotional moments have a connect with this site.

When we express, we want an audiance. We want to be heard. We want to be appreciated. In short we want to be recognised for what we have to say. I want the world to be aware that 'I' wrote this. I have had  my years in life when this I was very important. I defended and fought for this I. And to be honest - I was successful too. But, when I first met this site and fell in love with it, there has been no occasion where this I has been able to be take over the greater sense of responsibility. The responsibility to give most importance to ideas than to people - and starting of this happened with the end of me. 

It is also strange how this site teaches me what to expect from life and living. When I post my stuff here,. I generally know how to rake in the audiance. Nevertheless, I have realised that on this site I am not going to get much audiance - not must reads - not many comments - not any appreciation. When I know that none of these are here - and when I still choose to write on this site - still choose to stick on to it.. that's when I feel like a rebel.. A person who will not stoop down to wrong standards I order to rise up.

I come here charged with emotions. i write here charged with emotions. I read here charged with emotions. When it comes to blogging I have feelings now - not for myself but for this site and it's contents. Maybe it defies the very deifinition of blogging.  I know it sounds crazy to say this - maybe even filmy - but on this site I am Comfortably Numb!