With Big Hopes Comes Big Responsibility
After a Joyous, well organized and successful celebration of Sankalp 4th anniversary, the one thought that is constantly popping in my mind is: With big hopes comes big responsibility. In the span of 4 year Sankalp has grown from 4 to 4000, a group of student to youth and from a College to Bangalore. Sankalp was born with a dream and has shared it's dream with others. Today the dream of Sankalp is a dream of thousands of people. Sankalp has given the people the courage to dream and make their dream come true.
Blood Types in %
Empower the School
I have been receiving lots of requests in recent times from the various friends we have to do something for the poor.
As is clear we will not be making any long term commitment for real hard work now owing to the priority(Blood Donation) requiring lots of work.
But this does not in any way stop us from doing some small thing for the Children, specially poor and helpless.
So, I thought I will put up a discussion here and if something comes out, It will be executed..
Feel free to share..
Why can we make difference?
One question for all of us. Why do you feel we can change the blood scenario in Bangalore? What makes you feel we can do it?
All Volunteers
Country Roads take me home
The Sculptor's Attitude
I woke up early today, excited over all I get to do before the clock strikes midnight. I have responsibilities to fulfill today. I am important. My job is to choose what kind of day I am going to have. Today I can complain because the weather is rainy or I can be thankful that the grass is getting watered for free. Today I can feel sad that I don't have more money or I can be glad that my finances encourage me to plan my purchases wisely and guide me away from waste. Today I can grumble about my health or I can rejoice that I am alive.
MANTRAS - Feel the effect
A Mantra is a formula or a word with spiritual significance. Stripped off any Hindu background it is just a meaningless word or syllable which can help you relax very deeply. Mantra meditation is a very effective relaxation technique. Ok... Lets try... Close your eyes. After one or two minutes rest, start the mantra and repeat several times with the voice getting lower and lower. Then only whispering and eventually only thought. Even thinking of the mantra can get lower!
Teaching Students in Holidays
Can we deucate the poor
Ours was a residential school. I was in my 11th std. I was a vice captain of the school. One day our principal made a rule that whoever comes late for the dining hall will not be given food and will be sent back. Few days latter I did the same when few students came late for the lunch. I sent them back.They were not given lunch. Next day I reported the same to the principal. He smiled and said " don't take it literally, It was said so to make students more conscious". Then after I did not repeat the mistake I did.And even I did not think about it.
I was going through all recently posted blogs and found that there r many people who have some sort of idea to bring in change in society or our surrounding. But in depth thought over the idea like its implementation, resources required, plan of action etc is missing and its left to others to think and if someone desires to work for it can take over. And also as the post becomes older readers tend to forget it. Now i have an idea.. why cant we have a separate block in the site dedicated to ideas.