
Sankalp Sunday Meetings


One thing that Sankalp Volunteers are very proud of is the fact that we have had regular Sunday meetings since the time the organisation started. Anyone who has ever tried to join the organisation as a volunteer knows that the first thing that we ask for is to come and join the Sunday meeting. So what exactly is this meeting all about?

It is an occasion for teams to sync up

It's not just about work

Submitted by rajat on


The first time a volunteer enters our organisation we do remind them -"Sankalp is not a bed of roses. Join us if you are ready to walk on the thorns."

These small things that we do, which sometimes feel like the small rituals that have started defining us in some sense, time and again show up their face. Things happen which explain why in the first place were such things introduced in this organisation and why they live on.

You Must Hold On

Submitted by rajat on

There are 2 types of people. The first kind of people take things as they come without much if's and but's. Whether they are okay with it or not, they do what life demands from them. They are the people who may want to do so many things but who may not be able to do much about what they want. And ten there are the other kind. The people who constantly try and find ways to do the things they want to do. These are the people who wont accept what life gives to them unless the giving in line with what they want from life.

The Opportunity, The Honour , The Duty

Submitted by rajat on

OPPORTUNITY: All of us tend to be waiting for the right moment. The time when God will give us a chance to do something. Sankalp has given me the thing which people spend their lives searching uselessly. May be I am not someone big. I may be the flimsiest mole on the planet . The worst of His creation. But what I still have is an opportunity to do something really big: TO SAVE A HUMAN LIFE. How many people will want to do this but wont have the resources to do anything like this ever in their life. My life has a meaning and I am Proud to say this.

First opportunity

Submitted by Lisha on

This week marks the beginning of almost all the Sankalp volunteer’s first real-life activities. There are 2 activities going on simultaneously. The Project Tiranga volunteers are to start working on “Mission Siachen”, spread the word about Siachen and make and collect as many hand-made postcards as possible, with 26th January as deadline basis. Blood Donation Organization (BDO) volunteers (freshers) would start taking blood requests by accompanying a senior volunteer.

Thre is just one way. The Hard way

Submitted by rajat on

Don't Let Go

Troubles do not come in sequential arrangement. they somehow love the burst mode. "All seem to find their way into my life - at once ". Then there is pressure mounting, and the brain is gaping for space. Break! Break! Break!

Something inside is suggesting me to break. It is asking me to leave the tough way and run for shelter. Not 1 of all my troubles are there for me by Chance! No.. Most of them are here because of my Choices. I have invited them. As a human I have made some choices in life which add a substantial degree of troubles in my life.


A fist can't shake hands.

How do we reward people at Sankalp?

Submitted by rajat on

For all of you who thought that there are no rewards for working hard in Sankalp, here is the big story. I am about to reveal to you the truth that was kept somewhat hidden so far. Only those who actually received the benefits know about it so far. If a person is working really hard for Sankalp, then what does he get? Consider the situation in which a Volunteer pushes against the limits to get a work done. The Volunteer puts in his/her heart and soul to realize the target.