Sankalp News

Here are the latest news items from us.

Rakta Kranti Annual Report 2013-14

The Rakta Kranti team of Sankalp looks to organize safe and high quality blood donation drives all through the year. Back in March 2007, when this was started the aim was to create a movement to push Karnataka towards 100% voluntary blood donation. Here we bring to you what direction was taken up by Sankalp in the last 1 year for Rakta Kranti.

How Prepared Are We To Handle Adverse Reactions & Emergencies In Blood Donation Drives?

From definition to identification to prevention,the Sankalp Patrika, in the last 3 months has carried some extremely important articles describing aspects related to adverse donor reactions. Although all our efforts must be focussed on providing the right ambience for blood donation, there are situations when one or more adverse events do occur.

Time for annual review-sharpening the axe for the year to come

April is a busy month at Sankalp India Foundation(SIF). This is the time when SIF reviews the work that the organisation has done in the past 1 year and lays out strategy for the year to come. Sankalp operates through teams which focus on different areas of the organisation's work. There is an emergency team, a team for the helpline, a team for thalassemia and so on.