
An Inspiring True Story - Blood, Love & Survival !

Submitted by rajkhandelwal on

Orlando - 18th December, 2011

Bruce Blunt Jr. is alive today because of Ron Howard, the most prolific donor in the history of Florida's Blood Centers and possibly one of the top in the nation.

Blunt was 5 years old when doctors gave him two weeks to live. Diagnosed with aplastic anemia, he needed medications and up to three blood transfusions a week to survive.

Teach your child.. the true lessons of life

Submitted by pravachak on

A friend of mine was looking for a nice school for his kid. I did not but I wanted to request him to the following:

Tell your child the stories of this soil..

Take him to temples of India

Take him to Jallianwala bagh..

Before he asks, put some soil on his forehead and let him bow into the well. Let him hold the wall which has holes of 303 bullets!

Take your child to India Gate.. But do not forget to show him the Kargil Memorial..

When you take him to the Gateway of India, tell him the tales of those who braved the bullet to upkeep the honour.

Technology for life…

Submitted by souravroy on

As the year is coming towards an end, let's look back at one of most inspiring events of the year. In July, when Mumbai city was sadly shaken by a series of bomb blasts, citizens resorted on technology to provide and seek help. People realized that phone networks were jammed, and there was no way to reach anyone over phones.

Remembering the 26/11 Mumbai Terrorist Attack

Submitted by rajat on

On 26th Novermber 2008, Mumbai was witness to a massive terrorist attack that led to the tragic loss of many innocent lives. Let’s take a few minutes out of our ever so busy schedules to remember the pain and suffering of those people. Let’s not forget the great heroism shown and sacrifices made by people from the defence, NSG and the police to ensure that the damage to civilians was kept at a minimum. 

Artificial blood pumped into human viens

Submitted by aurora on

Artificial blood may become a common reality, thanks to the first successful transfusion of lab-grown blood into a human. A team of doctors at the Pierre and Marie Curie University, Paris, extracted hematopoietic stem cells from a volunteer’s bone marrow, and encouraged these cells to grow into red blood cells with a cocktail of growth factors.