
India or Bharat

Submitted by brij_agrwl on

India and Bharat.. the two names our country.. its an old discussion.. 

I don't mind if our country is called by two names in two different language.. 

Obviously "Bharat" is the older name.. and english name "India" came very late.. We may co-related "India" with "Indus" or "Indoi" or "Sindhu". but is there a solid document why and how we got this name. I did not find one... 

Or its the fact that Britishers gave us the name... and its related to "Adiwasi" as being called in USA like "West-Indian", "Red-Indian", "American-Indian". 

Cure For Corruption

Submitted by arpitv007 on
The corruption is a hot topic these days. Everyone is talking about corruption. And we all know that corruption has become like a termite eating our whole nation. But what is its cure?


Thalassemia Kid - Moinam Pal

Submitted by aurora on

Thalassemia patients often undergo a painful process of blood transfusion followed by chelation and other medications very regularly. If certain factors are in place, Thalassemia can be cured. Usually cord blood transplant or bone marrow transplant is used. For the first time in our country, a mixed therapy was used successfully to save a young life. Here is the article (reference Times of India) Five year old Moinam Pal, an e-beta Thalassemia patient, walked into medical history as first India patient to be cured by mixed stem cell therapy.

Punishment for Corruption

Submitted by rajat on

There is a lot of discussion going around the country about the extent to which the people involved in corruption should be penalised. I am shocked at the level of acceptance people have for corruption. I am shocked by the extent to which they believe that corruption is that just another thing happening around.