
Why is India Unique?

Submitted by arpitv007 on
People, read Indians, often say that India is a unique country. We feel proud to do so.  I wondered why it is so. Why is India unique? If you ask this the common replies that you get are:
We have diversity. Well, it is true that India is a diversified country. But that doesn’t makes it unique. United States is more diversified than us. They are the true global destination with people from almost every country. Even the US army and police force has personnel from various countries and religions.

Are we turning into robots?

Submitted by souravroy on

Chat online, tickets online, banking online, mobile recharge online, books online, mail online, dating online, order food online, travel online, jobs online, shopping online, gaming online, socialising online, cinema online. Is our life restricted inside a plastic box?

MIT picks Indian villager's idea

Submitted by arpitv007 on

Bangalore: Mahatma Gandhi once said "The soul of India lives in its villages" and today a villager from Guwahati has made his vision true and acceptable to the world. Kanak Das, resident of a remote village near Guwahati has created a simple device which converts the shocks received by his bicycle into acceleration energy, so he doesn't have to peddle for a few metres after negotiating a pothole.

Freedom fighters from Jharkhand

Submitted by souravroy on

Almost one hundred years before India’s First War of Independence (1857), the adivasis (tribals) of Jharkhand had declared revolt against the British colonial rule. The first ever revolt against the landlords and the British government was led by Tilka Manjhi, a valiant Santhal leader iof the tribal belt in 1771.

Miles to go before we sleep

Submitted by souravroy on
Whose woods these are I think I know.
His house is in the village, though;
He will not see me stopping here
To watch his woods fill up with snow.

My little horse must think it queer
To stop without a farmhouse near
Between the woods and frozen lake
The darkest evening of the year.

A unit of blood as a wedding gift?

Submitted by aurora on

Across the length and breadth of the country various organisations are working at diferent levels to improve the voluntary blood donation scenario. But here is an aricle that is slightly different from what we have seen and heard. This was published in the newspaper a few months back

Here it goes, the article is named as Khoon Ka Rishta