
The cry

Submitted by pooja on
There she was, lying on the hospital bed,crying and shouting in pain. She was surrounded by all of us in white coats. Her eyes ,sometimes tightly closed in pain and sometimes wide open to see what is happening to her. Whenever her eyes opened ,it told us-' do something!I'm in pain! '. But all we could do was to stand and wait,thinking why she should undergo all this pain?? Then at 11:30 am we heard a cry again,a very meek cry,a cry we were all waiting for,the cry of the angel she brought on earth! And suddenly we notice that the lady stopped screaming,stopped crying!

Someone is coming home

Submitted by rajat on

Someone is coming.

Someone is coming once again to my home. Someone is coming with a smiling face. Someone is coming with an extended hand of friendship. Someone is coming as if it is a big time favour to my home.

My nation is going crazy. People are writing news items like "India prepares for SOMEONE". The Netas are brushing their topis and their khaddar kurtas. The capital is being painted. The students are painting. They - the media guys - are talking and talking and talking!

It's not just about work

Submitted by rajat on


The first time a volunteer enters our organisation we do remind them -"Sankalp is not a bed of roses. Join us if you are ready to walk on the thorns."

These small things that we do, which sometimes feel like the small rituals that have started defining us in some sense, time and again show up their face. Things happen which explain why in the first place were such things introduced in this organisation and why they live on.

How green is the mile?

Submitted by souravroy on

The greatest charm of the Bangalore city is the fact that it is the garden city of India. While cities like Delhi, Mumbay and Kolkata cannot survive a day without CNG, Bangalore still has gushes of fresh air to offer. The roads of Bangalore have a cool breezy feel due to the trees around the sidewalk. Unfortunately Bangalore is loosing this charm.

When it will come to an end???

Submitted by mohit_sundar on

Its about a incident which i came to experience 2 days ago. I had gone to a hospital to meet a colleague who was admitted there. Just in nearby bed a patient was there whose both the kidneys were fail and everyday he was requiring 2-3 units of blood. His relatives ask me for the same and I agreed because I am a regular donor and we moved to the blood bank which was in the hospital itself. When we go to the Bank Incharge, she behaved very rudely that if you will not bring more donors then blood will not be issued to you and we dont bother about the patient.

Switched off mode

Submitted by pooja on

"Life is a journey through mountains and valleys" is the sentence that made maximum sense to me this evening....

Going into an all studying mood in 2 nd study study so that u get a seat in the college u want to study...

Then write loads and loads of entrance exam.....

Then go on waiting endlessly for results, see day dreams each day and hope to get into the fav college, be in some great nonsense tensive mood for days...

Congratulations India

Submitted by rajat on

I am very happy when I think about the verdict that came from Lucknow in the Ayodhya case and what happened after that. I know I am stating the obvious things here. Just that I find my happiness hard to hold back so I decide to key it down:

Congratualitions Judiciary

India Empowered

Submitted by maulikdave321 on

When Indians take decisions using their head, not heart.

What distinguishes the human race from the rest of earthly species is the size of its brain. This cerebral gift of evolution, sadly, is not always the most used of human assets. The land of rishis, unfortunately, is yet to become the land of reason.