
You Must Hold On

Submitted by rajat on

There are 2 types of people. The first kind of people take things as they come without much if's and but's. Whether they are okay with it or not, they do what life demands from them. They are the people who may want to do so many things but who may not be able to do much about what they want. And ten there are the other kind. The people who constantly try and find ways to do the things they want to do. These are the people who wont accept what life gives to them unless the giving in line with what they want from life.

Let No Ball Fall

Submitted by potliwala on

Ever seen a juggler on the stage? It is an interesting situation to be in. The person wears a wise smile on the face, a deceptive one, I should say. Behind that smile a nervousness and a strong focus resides. The balls must be kept rolling on. The show goes on only as long as each of those balls is kept up in the air. The juggler knows that even if one ball falls, the show is over. The balls must be kept rolling. The smile should continue to be glued. The show must go on.

A skit on Blood Donation...

Submitted by Pramod on

Normally, given a theme, I have been able to develop a story around it. However, this time, although, I have wanted to write a story revolving around blood from a long time, I found it really difficult to come up with one. For the very reason is; most of our stories have villains and I was just not able to figure out, who will play villain in my story?

Camp at Govt College For Women, Kolar

Submitted by amitsedai on

It is difficult to request someone to come forward to donate. People have their own apprehensions. Most are concerned about their own free time when they can leisurely donate.

I was going to view something very unusual. Govt College for women is the only women college in Kolar. Students come from 20 to 30 kms every day for education. The college graduation course on Humanities, Science and management for 3000 odd students.

Speak about issues, not individuals!

Submitted by souravroy on

I was reading my teacher’s blog the other day and was overwhelmed to know that he believes in a principle to the core- “Do not talk about individuals, talk about issues”. I’ve seen him implementing this. On this context, let me address the current Indian media. Everytime when I tackle such issues, I borrow heavily from P Sainath sir, my favorite journalist. It’s long since our country’s media has taken up actual “issues” and done justice with them- price rise, farm crisis and rural injustice being the worst reported till date.

Price rise- who is responsible?

Submitted by souravroy on

Government and media have long blamed the price rise on the drought last year, on cost push and on poor distribution. Unfortunately, this is only half truth. Drought affected our country in July 2009, prices however have been on the rise since the beginning of 2008. The problem lies in various policies of our government. Though, the unfortunate story is the same with cotton, paddy as well as pulses, I’ll take sugar to prove my point. I’ve borrowed facts heavily from Kannan Kasturi, a prominent researcher and writer from New Delhi.

Right is terribly wrong

Submitted by souravroy on

A lot is being compared between India and US these days. But there is one major difference between the two that media, or people have failed to point out. The difference lies mainly in the constitution of the two nations. Their constitution is one or two pages long, whereas ours is the thickest book possible, which tries to define anything and everything under the sun! What makes US great is their 1st Amendment, that says-

The stomach divide

Submitted by souravroy on

It turns me off to see half of the world learning yoga and aerobics to fight obesity while the other half out there is sleeping hungry. The problem is generally blamed on the governments, but a small yet significant solution lies with us. Each grain consumed or wasted holds a significant value. Stop wasting food!!

Broken Glass

Submitted by pravachak on

He bid goodbye with tearful eyes
And I bid goodbye to him
Circumstances were too overpowering
For us, mortals to reign

I learn't to live without him
Walking on my road
But telling myself once in a while
The person was my own

I blamed the universe for the situation
I hoped a day would arrive
When we would meet again someday
The bonding would reignite.

Small things making life bright and beautiful

Submitted by pravachak on

I was, I can say, somewhat frustrated. I locked my PC and entered a meeting room. I wanted to draw a plan. A new plan. A better plan. I wanted to do something creative. I was very restless. There was a marker on the table. I casualty picked it up and soon found myself writing whatever was coming to my mind on the whiteboard in front of me. Words, words and more words flowed out in abundance. I was scribbling stuff and wondering how many things do I carry in my circuit up there.