
Does agenda make a difference

Submitted by potliwala on

Does the intent - the reason - the agenda of the associates make a difference to an organization? Does it make a difference to the individuals themselves? I pondered over this question and here is my opinion. It does! I know most of you will agree too. But then there are some subtle sides to this general principle which I will like to discuss.

Lack of Agenda

Why we are born?

Submitted by amitsedai on

When we say something is born or created , it means that there was a point in time when that thing was born/created. We have been seeing as a natural consequence, what is born has to die. Death or destruction is a natural consequence of whatever that was born or created. This also marks that in both death and birth happens at some time. Time is involved in both consequences.

Small things make a difference..

Submitted by Lisha on

I always wondered, what is it that makes me feel that learning at college is a burden these days, and learning in Sankalp is something I do out of pleasure/ curiosity/ enthusiasm? Basically I like to learn stuff, also I am a little lazy and want to learn it the not-so-tough-way as much as possible. ;) But somehow, my thirst to learn at college has died down in the past one year. Yet I feel the same enthusiasm I did to learn anything new here at Sankalp.

A very confused man

Submitted by potliwala on

He was a little confused on why his energy levels were low. He was walking. But then that is not what he wanted to do. He wanted to run and run and run. The new life had brought for him supreme joy of being able to do the things he had always wanted to do. Then why was he being plagued by this lack of energy? The legend always spoke about the way in which people who knew their goals made their mark. But something must be wrong. He knew his goal. But, he felt that he was being lazy! Does that not sound crazy? He was being lazy on the road to his dreams!

The stomach divide

Submitted by souravroy on

It turns me off to see half of the world learning yoga and aerobics to fight obesity while the other half out there is sleeping hungry. The problem is generally blamed on the governments, but a small yet significant solution lies with us. Each grain consumed or wasted holds a significant value. Stop wasting food!!

The foreign education institutions bill is here!

Submitted by souravroy on

Kapil Sibal has done it again! The foreign educational institutional bill is in, which aims to allow foreign universities to set up campuses in India. What more? The bill is not expected to face hitches since the leading opposition, BJP, is in favor of the bill! These universities, represent diversity in educational methods, examinations, admissions, and administration; thus, they are a potential source of innovation.

The vital few and the trivial many

Submitted by souravroy on

The 80/20 rule by the great Italian economist Vilfredo Pareto, is a brilliant theory that should find application in all possible fields, including technology and education. The rule meant that in anything a few(20 percent) are vital and many(80 percent) are trivial. In Pareto's case it meant 20 percent of the people owned 80 percent of the wealth.

I find this rule applicable in almost every field-

The biography of a garland

Submitted by souravroy on

Garlands have remained a part of Indian politics as no other accessory. They have a long history, and are integrated with our culture for ages put together. From the times of mythology, through the ages of Mughals and Rajputs, to the current era of modern political parties; these garlands have had their moments of pride! However, these garlands, once used, get swept aside or badly crushed. Except the one recently presented to the UP Chief Minister on the 25th anniversary of her political party.

India Shining!!

Submitted by souravroy on

I was reading Business Line the other day, when a news struck me. According to the latest report form the UN Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), India has emerged as one of the world's top-10 countries in industrial production in 2009. Guess what? We have overtaken the developed nations like Canada and Mexico!! The top-10 in 2009 are US, China, Japan, Germany, South Korea, France, Italy, UK, India and Brazil.

Khudiram Bose

Submitted by souravroy on

British once organized an exhibition in Medinipur in Bengal. Their intention was to hide the injustice of the British using articles like pictures and puppets, and display that British were helping the people of India. Suddenly a 16 years old boy appeared with a bundle of hand-made bills, titled 'Sonar Bangla'. It carried the slogan Vande Mataram'. The true purpose of the British in putting up the exhibition was also exposed. He calmly distributed the hand bill to villagers around.

Free and compulsary education

Submitted by souravroy on

Right to free compulsory education is here! And the television channels and print media is filled with articles on how difficult it is to implement, thereby displaying the pathetic infrastructure of the government primary schools in various parts of our country! This actually disturbs me. Media should focus on the success stories of villages where a small group of people transformed the standard of education there. Why doesn't the televisions start with programmes that teach these children instead.