
Seeking thy refuge

Submitted by pravachak on

Sometimes the bubble view of the world comes crashing down on you leaving you gasping and confused. I wanna hide away from the reality. The reality of the fact that the goal is too is and the way we are confronting the problem is too flimsy. I want to hide away from the fact that I am a failure - if in nothing else - in people. I wanna hide away from the fact that I have been unsuccessful in getting my acts straight and walking full pace on my road to salvation.

Compulsory Attendance- No Sir!

Submitted by souravroy on

Why do teachers teach the same thing that’s there in text books? A student can anyways study it in a more silent and cozy place than sitting inside a classroom filled with screaming classmates. Knowledge is not the reason students come to class, unfortunately! Alas! Students don’t wake up in the morning and say- “Today I’ll learn Data Structures- I better hurry up for college!” instead they say in worry- “I’ll miss my attendance”. Is attendance the only thing that binds a student to his class? Sadly- Yes!

The burning Pakistan

Submitted by souravroy on

Pakistan is burning. Perhaps democracy is at test and so also the dynastic rule that started after the martyrdom of Benazir. Can Pakistan be saved? The nightmarish scenario for the world is a nuclear-armed Pakistan going the Afghanistan way and ending up as a dangerously splintered and Talibanised nation.

To my fellow engineers…

Submitted by souravroy on

I strongly believe that after having selected engineering as our profession, we must start focusing on mastering and doing everything to learn as much as possible to enhance our domain knowledge, backed up with practical training. I think one of the main reasons for this thrust is the gradual shift of the IT companies of the country to higher level of outsourcing work that it aims at now.

On modern day journalism

Submitted by souravroy on

I was recently watching an interview of Aamir Khan on Aaj Tak. The journalist interviewing him was asking him ridiculous questions like which actresses you want to work with, etc; pouring much unnecessary masala into it. Aamir Khan was giving well thought answers- that made sense. There was a clear distinction between the intellectual levels of Aamir Khan and this journalist, who was making a mockery out of himself. I asked myself- “Is this the state of Indian media today, or am I a part of the minority that hates such things on television?

Technology lovers, film lovers

Submitted by souravroy on

With the 3-d movement entering the mainstream cinema, one more era of cinema is coming to an end. Cinema has always been the ultimate ground for implementing the latest advancements in sound and visual technologies. Generically speaking, cinema is all about conveying ideas- the storyline. The technology involved is secondary. Good cinema embeds the available technology to narrate an idea. It is the story that ultimately matters.

Should India go global?

Submitted by souravroy on

At the entrance of a new decade, a debate has started among the Indian economists on whether or not, India should focus on investing globally. Whether it should acquire land in countries like Brazil or Sudan and grow crop there to beat the shortages. Buy natural and energy resources in Russia or Africa to met the growing competition and enable Indian entrepreneurs to buy out production capacities for the Indian market. Should we declare these commodities and import them duty-free?

Love that speaks Silently

Submitted by pravachak on

Have you heard of the Love that speaks in the language of silence.
The love that neither screams, nor shouts,
Nor the love which shows when the heartbeats are increased
Nor the love whose cheers are loud.

The Love that is as omnipresent as the wind and God himself
The Love that is knows no condition
The Love between a mother and child?

There is a way

Submitted by pravachak on

By Carl
I found something really interesting about this pic. Something intriguing. There surely is a way. Whatever the situation, whatever the condition may be - there is a way.

Missing Vision - No Worries

Submitted by rajat on

Happy New Year Rajat! I told myself.. A moment later - New year? What's that? I know we are going to change the last two digits of the date after a long time. But what more? 2010 Goals? Resolutions? Umm - nothing :) Or I can be a little better to myself by saying - nothing on this day :)

Why can't we be teachers?

Submitted by souravroy on

Its exam time and all we can think about is books, notes and coffee. On this context, as a self realization (which every student goes through during exams), I must say that the most discussed topic among hostelites is the inferior quality of education and the teachers who literally don't know to teach. My country has the oldest custom of education I desperately want to prove them wrong. I must say, if given a chance (and paycheck) would love to take up teaching as a profession. I teach my room mate and I believe I'm pretty good at it.