
Loss of human touch...

Submitted by Lisha on

Sankalp as an organization has been growing at a steady rate. We now have dedicated set of volunteers who are probably the best people to do the work they do, with less number of people to replace them and do the same quality of work. So, as of now, all of us are working in our respective wings, in turn actually working towards a common goal, eliminating blood shortage problem.

I Protest

Submitted by rajat on

Just read about the controversy about RGV's new firm "Rann". Inquisitively I clicked youtube to checkout the promos. And to my horror I found this ghastly director has dared to play around with the lyrics of the National Anthem. Listening to the initial beats I stated getting up from my chair but within a second I realised that this movie has crossed all limits and seems to be exploiting the freedom of speech and expression in the worst kind of way.

The water and the thirst

Submitted by rajat on

In my small hometown of Mussoorie summers were short and warm. Being a very cold town indeed people are not used to drinking a lot of water. I am sharing with you the memory of the Humble Matki. It came back to me today for a reason that I have shared below.

Information Technology & India

Submitted by souravroy on

The ascent of a country from poverty to prosperity, from tradition to modernity is a great and fascinating enterprise. India has recently emerged as a vibrant free-market democracy after the economic reforms in 1991 and it has begun to flex its muscles in the global information economy. But this revolution had eluded India for a long time. About 100 years ago, Karl Marx predicted that industrial revolution would soon dawn upon India.

Proving one's point??

Submitted by amitsedai on

Proving one's point

I have heard this phrase several times. Mostly from highly ambitious egoistical types (A bit of ego is good enough), but never really understood. I have seen people straining themselves to just prove this thing. I got more confused.

Just few minutes back, I felt as if I understood what it meant.

Bijli Gull

Submitted by souravroy on
I still remember the power cuts back in my place when the whole family used to sit together in the courtyard and discuss literally everything. Those moments used to be my study break when I was allowed to write poems.

Copyright @ Sourav Roy

Hamne koi kranti shuru nahi ki

Submitted by souravroy on
Wrote this poem long before I joined Sankalp. This poem is a result of a prolonged sediment of dissatisfaction. Now I'm glad to be a part of Sanklap, a part of the change and I must confess that the hunger has only grown. Hope you enjoy it. Copyright @ Sourav Roy


Submitted by souravroy on
Wrote this poem long back for my best friend and sister, Suneeta. copyright @ Sourav Roy