
A journey to Meghalaya, the adobe of clouds

Submitted by souravroy on

It was early February and my exams had just got over. Exams had gone well, but as usual; I never hoped for good results (and they never happen either). It had been a great semester. I reached home on 5th Feb. Baba (dad) had planned a trip to Assam & Meghalaya, starting from 6th Feb.

We reached Kolkata, early in the morning; on the 7th of Feb. Our train to Guwahati was at 4 in the evening so we had almost the whole day. Baba decided to take us to Belur Math.

Dedicated to the few Honest, Committed, Courageous, Patriotic Unsung Police Men and Politicians

Submitted by rajat on
The Team Principal Home Secretary Rajiv Ratan Shah Additional Director-General of Police (Law and Order) Ajay Raj Sharma Senior SP Arun Kumar SP Satyendra Veer Singh SP Rajesh Pandey and not to forget the man who stood by them - Kalyan Singh. The Time 2.15 p.m. on September 22, 1998 The Place Delhi-Ghaziabad highway The Act The Uncrowned King of Organized Crime in Northern parts of the Country shot dead!

I had a very difficult time trying to sleep the night before last.

Reason to smile

Submitted by ankita on

On 1st of March 2009 we got a request for blood for an anaemic patient. On further dialogue we came to know that patient is admitted in a Government hospital and needs Bombay Blood group units. Doctor informed us that at least 5 units will be required in a period of 3-4 days as patient was suffering from severe anaemia.

Finding Answers

Submitted by rajat on

My world has changed over the past few years. It has lot many more W's than ever before. Since I was a little child, people around me were petrified with my w's - who, why, when, where, what etc.. I never ran out of questions and people around me found it hard to answer them all. As I grew, civilization took it's toll on me and I started realising that so many questions were 'not invited'. Gradually the questions decreased. Something poked inside still. Explanations were still demanded. But the fact that I knew finding answers was a hard effort pulled me back.

Kranti Kanya

Submitted by souravroy on
"Revolutionary" one of the most abused words in the history of mankind. This poem is abstract. But the theme is simple.


Submitted by souravroy on
One of my earliest works. This poem speaks about how disgusting it is to accept things as they are and still be happy about it. This is written on a sarcastic note. This poem can be edited to make it better but I somehow love it the way it is.

Will hang on

Submitted by pravachak on
Hands are cold. So are my feet. The wind is blasting past the ear. The evening is misty and the night is long And the I am thinking of the unsung song. I am a revolution and that is what I am A change - but not an insane one I keep walking in the direction of mind Who knows where I land when I am done. But I will walk I will walk till the time I can I will chance and ASK for change I will ASK till the time I can. I may be wrong I may be weak But my intentions are clear They are deep I will walk on I will Rock On To the see the land. Am I a cheat?

Pursuit Of Happyness

Submitted by amitsedai on

Sometime I wonder at the relevance of my existence. The reason why I was born.

I have heard about spirituality which talks about the reason of human existence is Nirvana, Moksha, beng one with God etc.

Sometimes I hear of revolutionaries becoming martyrs for the sake of their nation. It evokes deep motivation inside to hear about people like us, who placed everything in their life at stake to work for a single cause, being truthful, being consistent , even die for that cause.

Dark Days

Submitted by pravachak on
The mayhem dies out and silence dawns The enthusiastic cheers go out of the way Nothing at the moment seems to work The world is coming crashing down The clarity of the mind is lost The confidence stands shaken in the wind The darkest side of me knocks on And questioning my soul I find myself It’s dark dark dark very dark So dark that I feel the need to escape But here I am in the middle of things Trying to push in some more each day I can’t walk away for a while On return I’ll still be right here The times are testing the innermost How can I show my back in fear? I’ll face them – today, t

Life is

Submitted by Jayesh on

Life is game: Life plays games with all of us. Some time too slow and some times too fast. Also you never know what there for you next. It keep throwing surprises to you and you keep catching them. Some time you win. Some time you lose.

Life is fast: Some times it too fast to understand it. World will change in front of you before you know. It will not give you time to act.

Oh Bengal!

Submitted by rmourya1 on

"E re bus driver! Michil aasche.. Gaadi ta Jore kore daudao na hole din bhar ekhane amra morbo".

Roughly translated into, "O mighty bus driver, Please drive fast. A Michil (procession) is coming. If we get caught we have to rot here whole day".