
Indian Youth – the Indomitable Power

Submitted by Ritu on

Back in 1970, Dr C V Raman, at the age of 82 had once given the following message: “I would like to tell the young men and women before me not to lose hope and courage. ..I can assert without fear of contradiction that the quality of the Indian mind is equal to the quality of any Teutonic, Nordic or Anglo-Saxon mind. What we lack is perhaps courage, what we lack is perhaps driving force, which takes one anywhere.

Bangalore Blasts

Submitted by rajat on

To do:

- make a quick call home and inform about your being okie and your estimated time of reaching home

- stay indoors as much as possible

- use mobile phone only if necessary

No education is complete without travelling

Submitted by Lisha on

On the way to the Great Himalayas, my aunt told me this line (told to her by her neighbour) that no matter how much anyone studies, their education will never be complete without travelling, on the very first day.

At that moment, I thought it was an over-statement. I mean in this era where one can find any possible answer right at the finger tips, and where world is getting smaller by the minute through the World wide web, where does the need to travel those long days sitting in a bus arise?

Pain Redefined....

Submitted by rmourya1 on

Pain- Something that knows no limits and understands no boundaries. I had the ‘opportunity’ of experiencing two different limits of the ultimate teacher of the human race (maybe living beings). The end of semester exams marks one of my happiest moment , as i get to go home and live life my kingsize way. This time i happened to book a ticket in Howrah mail, which leaves from Chennai. Everything was fine and well until we discovered how Lalu was managing to generate so much profit in railways.

Enough is Enough

Submitted by Jayesh on

We strive to realize to our dreams,
we strive follow the path shown to us by world,
We compromise our dreams with reality,
We accept the thing as it comes our way,
We strive hard and efforts to please others,
We strive to keep our dreams alike,
We strive to strike the balance,

Now, It's time for action.

Life keep us teaching lesson on different phase but let not be too late to learn this and commit mistake to learn new one.

Standing on the crossroads

Submitted by pravachak on
The heart that aches and the eyes that cry. The mind that refuses to accept injustice and the hands crave to set things right. Ah! The life of a person touched by an iota of sensitivity is one of perpetual pain. There are those hearts that can sense the pain of others. there are those souls that can get hurt with injustice when things look fine to a normal eyes. Magic Wand is what I ask you O almighty. Give me a magic wand that I can wade to get things right. if there is no magic wand then show me the way. Standing on the crossroad when I see around, every path seems to call out to me.