
Letter to the Editor Modern Review on the slogan of 'Long Live Revolution'-24th Dec, 1929

Submitted by smruthi aravind on
On the slogan of 'Long Live Revolution' Shri Ramanand Chaterji the editor of Modern Review, ridiculed the slogan of 'Long Live Revolution' through an editorial note and gave an entirly wrong interpretation. Bhagat Singh wrote a reply and handed it over to the trying megistrate to be sent to Modern Review. This was published in The Tribune of December 24, 1929. To THE EDITOR MODERN REVIEW You have in the December (1929) issue of your esteemed magazine, written a note under the caption "Long Live Revolution" and have pointed out the meaninglessness of this phrase.

letter written by bhagat singh to sukhdev on april 5th,1929

Submitted by smruthi aravind on
DEAR BROTHER By the time you receive this letter I will be gone, going to a far off destination. Let me assure that I am prepared for the voyage inspite of all the sweet memory and inspite of all the charms of my life here. Upto this day one thing pinched in my heart and it was this that my brother, my own brother, misunderstood and accused me of a very serious charge - the charge of weakness. Today I am quite satisfied, today more than ever do I feel that was nothing, but a misunderstanding, a wrong calculation.


Submitted by smruthi aravind on
Forgetnot!! years ago INDIA gained its power,
not by doing but by suffering.
Forget not!! now you are freemen living with pleasure,
only because of the noble,whose sacrifices in the minds of the masses are still lingering.........


Submitted by smruthi aravind on

When the higher powers of the world were fighting for the unworthy leadership decades earlier....

When the most memorable 'Wars of World' were fought virtually saving no world for men....

We either supported our brethren or stood silent.

Watching how the political factions wiped out the lives.

And gaining no experience of this..

When the English invaded us and looted us of all wealth.....

All resources....all men...all heritage..

We either suffered and survived the torture or died as martyrs.................

We will not stop

Submitted by rajat on
You may put up a smiling face before us and when we are away, you may laugh at us.
You may dismiss us as insignificant and weak.
You may find our ways stupid and slow.
You may try to fool us and use us.
You may not live up to your promises with us.
But we will not stop.

An Appeal to Indians

Submitted by rajat on
Recently I have observed a mail floating all over the internet. Is shows some Queen of one of the former Indian Princely states. They also show the Tiranga on her feet. People are forwarding this mail to everyone in their friend's list. They are saying that every India's blood must boil at seeing this image and we should forward this mail to all so that the Government of India opens it's eyes to this. And yes, there are some patriotic lines and slogans too that accompany the mail. As my inner voice guided, I never forwarded these.

For Student having Placement ahead...

Submitted by Jayesh on
I thought of sharing my collage to cooperate switching experience with all of you. You may find it bit long but you will appreciate it only if you read it till the end.

After enjoying my last few semester (after placement) and finishing off all the formalities of the university (ie. 8th sem project and exams etc...). I was ready for the cooperate life.

Here I stand a criminal in my own court

Submitted by pravachak on
My walking on the road has become difficult. I have become mad. When I see a helpless, my mind asks me to move on but my heart curses me for my insensitivity.

I am, but one man.I do not like to see old people and children struggling to cross the road. The picture of a man starving on the footpath tears through me. Poor kids begging on the road is not my India.

Somewhere the sound dies out

Submitted by rajat on
This country of a billion people has seen it all. from external aggression to internal conflicts, from Kashmir to Kaveri, it has seen so much blood shed that somewhere deep down inside we have become in-sensitive to the news of deaths. The newspapers in past two days are talking about a heinous crime. They are talking about the bomb blasts in Samjhauta Express. Death toll of 68. The suspects boarded the train from our capital-New Delhi. I guess more Indians knew about the London bombings of 7-7 than this incidence.

If... Get Inspired by this masterpiece..

Submitted by tarunsonkhya on
If you can keep your head when all about you Are losing theirs and blaming it on you, If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you But make allowance for their doubting too, If you can wait and not be tired by waiting, Or being lied about, don't deal in lies, Or being hated, don't give way to hating, And yet don't look too good, nor talk too wise: If you can dream--and not make dreams your master, If you can think--and not make thoughts your aim; If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster And treat those two impostors just the same; If you can bear to hear the truth you've spoken Twisted b

Influenza-The forthcoming disaster

Submitted by tarunsonkhya on
Dear Friends, It has been some time since i wrote a blog post. I must say, I am writing today about something which has been troubling me alot since some time now. Talking with one of my friends, who works on H5N1 virus(which caused the last influenza pandemic in 1918) and preparedness for next influenza pandemic, I realized that we, in India are highly susceptible to the deadly virus and would surely fall prey to it during next pandemic. The 1918 influenza pandemic killed 70-100 million people throughout the world.