
Seperation and Responsibility

Submitted by rajat on
Being a Sankalp Volunteer is not a job meant for everyone. Sankalp does not stand and work to please the Cheer Leaders.

I remember the time when we started Sankalp. The very first steps towards the making of this Organization were seen with suspicion and were mocked at. We were looked at differently.

When the going get's tough

Submitted by rajat on
Have you actually some day felt as though the entire universe is crashing on you?

There are times when Gods play chess with men. We, the men are part of such a complex and well designed plan that we find ourself challenged on all the fronts we face. The forehead sweats and the hear beats slowly. Fear and hopelessness is on the rise.

Steps towards the goal

Submitted by rajat on
Dreams take shape when you start working on them.

But it is not all that simple.

The crossroads where you need to make a choice are available in plenty. For every ten steps you take, you come to a new crossroad.. You need to make a fresh decision.


Submitted by rmourya1 on
Externals- The force applied by VTU to shake us from our comfort level and make life as tensed as possible. Jokes apart, our first external exams were a different experience and living in a hostel and studying in Ramaiah was cherry on the top.


Submitted by rajat on
Pick up any news paper and you will be reading about the communal violence in Bangalore. I have somethings to share and ask for your opinion >> Media On the morning of 21st January when I picked up the news paper, I thought that the news of the communal violence will be the headline. But the TOI had decided that some other matter was more important to the city. >> Our Community We, the Muslims.. the Hindus.... we the people.. It looks to me that all of us are insane Three days back when I heard of the rally against US a small ray of hope shone in my mind.

This is how we loose some good brains from India

Submitted by manavkantgupta on
OLD VERSION... The ant works hard in the withering heat all summer long building his house and laying up supplies for the winter. The grasshopper thinks the ant's a fool and laughs & dances & plays the summer away. Come winter, the ant is warm and well fed. The grasshopper has no food or shelter so he dies out in the cold. MODERN VERSION The ant works hard in the withering heat all summer long, building his house and laying up supplies for the winter. The grasshopper thinks the ant's a fool and laughs & dances & plays the summer away.


Submitted by ankita on
Sankalp will be working aggressively to promote 100% Voluntary Blood Donation in the next 6 months. Since the ground work is almost over, it is time for the Volunteers to start work. All of you who are interested in taking up some sort of tasks can please leave a comment on this page. Once the details of the meeting are finalized, I will communicate then back. Vande Mataram Co-ordinator Project Bharti

Lack of Enthusiasm

Submitted by rajat on
While I was trying to explore the most motivating and the most de-motivating factors for a person's blood donation, I came across lot of things. But one of the most prominent of them all was Lack of enthusiasm of the blood bank staff Being a regular sort of a blood donor, what I have realized is that till date there have been only very few instances when I have seen the blood bank staff really motivating me to donate blood. More or less what can be seen on the face of the person who is drawing blood, is a blank expression. He/she looks to be doing their routine job and that is all.

My Job

Submitted by rajat on
The most baffling question of all is again standing in front of me.

India.. this five letter word has some special meaning to a billion people. India- my home. Once in a while, the mind breaks free from the intricacies of normal living and flies.. flies high.. Something deep inside gets triggered. When we watch Rang de Basanti or Shaheed, it gets triggered.