
A Little Brown a Little Green

Submitted by rajat on
It was a very exciting journey from Bangalore to New Delhi on a Sahara Jet Plain. The Boeing 737 Aircraft gave me the first ever experienc of riding the wind. Soon after the plane took off, I found myself glued to the window pane keenly looking down at the Bangalore City and trying to recognize each small dot that i could see. But within minutes the look was different. There was no more detail. Only chunks of brown land and chunks of greenery. This look, laced by a thin layer of clouds.. As the plane moved on, I could see various rivers, the mountains and the planes.

Country Roads take me home

Submitted by rajat on
Living by choice!! Ah! What this simply means is that you pick and choose all the things that fall into your life. Going back in time to my school days, I remember waking up at 6:30 to go to school. By 7:15 I was at school only to return home after dusk. Sometimes it was 8:00 when I reached back. And then the preparations for the debates, the long walks with the guests who come to Mussoorie perennially. But that was all neatly packaged into things that "I Must Do!" No choice given. Now the time is different. Beyond the office hours, all is my choice. I can do what I want to.

Great but little known freedom fighters

Submitted by pooja on
Padmavathibai Burli, wife of the renowned freedom figher,Bindacharya Burli, was a silent and piouswoman.Circumstances so conspired against the family that they had to struggle for two square meals a day. Bindacharya breathed patriotism and lived patriotism. The cause and call of Mother India was always above his domestic obligations. Padmavatibai,not only stood by her husband but led a silent agitation herself by feeding the tired and hungry freedom fighters. She used to tell her own children to eat a little less so that the sons of the nation, committed to free Mother India, could be fed.

Time Management

Submitted by Jayesh on
Most common heard and known by all of us. All of us are or had faced this problem in their life. A young boy going school didn't find time. A teenager going collage do not have time. A professional working do not have time. A husband do not have time for his wife. A father do not have time for his children. A friend do not have time for another friend.

All of us dont have time for something. So the question which we should ask ourselves is where all the time is going. We just keep working and doing thing expected from us without taking care about the most precious asset of a person HIS TIME.

Behind money!?

Submitted by pooja on
Did you know this "amazing" but disheartening fact----In our nation there is one doctor for every 4000 people where as in america for every 1600 people there is one INDIAN doctor.

India is Rising

Submitted by Jayesh on
From past few days I am feeling different experience. I am feeling changes in my surrounding ,in society and in country. I am feeling energy in the air.

In past some days i had meet people, who are general people like any of us but, they are ambitious, hardworking and courageous. People who have the courage to dream. People who had courage to follow their dream. People who have courage to make their own path. People who dare to stand out in crowd for their dream. People who have energy to work after 9-6 job for their dreams.

Indian History Text Sparks UK Book Row

Submitted by mansoor on
LONDON, ENGLAND, December 27, 2006: New lessons in Indian history announced today are anti-British according to a curriculum association. It accuses the Government's curriculum advisers of a politically correct interpretation of Britain's imperial past based on false claims about Winston Churchill. Chris McGovern, the director of the History Curriculum Association, says The general tone of the unit is anti-British, with little about positive consequences of imperial rule. He has spotted errors of fact which portray Churchill in a bad light.

The rays of the sun

Submitted by rajat on
This morning when I was riding my bike on way to my office a beautiful thing happened. Since I had started off a little earlier from home, I reached Mekhri Circle without having to struggle through a lot of traffic. As soon as I reached, the signal changed to Red. Somehow, today I did not feel the usual feeling of dismay when the signal changes to red just as you reach. I switched off the bike and stood their humming my favorite musical track. It was then that this immense feeling struck me. Waiting their, in the full morning sun, I felt the warmth of the sun rays on my body.

reform....not by stealth

Submitted by ashwath on
In Nandigram the police was not dealing with killers but with ordinary people demanding the right to hang on to the tiny plot of land that in most cases would have been their only means of livelihood. Even if the protesters turned violent, they could have been controlled without killing them. You do not need a CBI inquiry to establish this. Governments notoriously order inquiries when they want to evade answering questions and that is what this inquiry seems like. But Nandigram throws up issues that are more important.

Only one life and I do not know what to do?

Submitted by pravachak on
The soil is wet, the seeds are ready , it's the break of dawn. But somewhere deep down inside the fresh air has still not made enough impact to arouse from the deep sleep.

The determination on night before and the wild dreads, both made restlessness fill up in every bone, some voice from the soul crying out, saying that it is time to sow.