Emergency Wing

The Bombay Group Saga

1st March, 2009- It was a fine Sunday evening, to be spent in the college canteen catching up on the latest gossip, over tea. It was then, that an engineering student, a volunteer of the Sankalp emergency wing received a call. She listened with rapt attention and sprang into action.

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Token of Appreciation to Ramaiah Blood Bank Staff

Before H1N1 took the limelight by spreading unknown terror in the minds of people, already there was a silent killer on the prowl. Dengue, the much prevalent disease which unfortunately got very less attention, had been making itself more pronounced in the medical field in the past two months. There was a time in these two months when almost all the requests were for platelets units or Single Donor Platelets (SDP) to help the patient suffering from extremely low platelet count due to this disease.