Emergency Wing

Donor Registration Drive at MSRIT

Motivating donors to become regular voluntary blood donors is one way to achieve 100% voluntary blood donation. But in the process, emergency blood requests are bound to turn up and Sankalp volunteers are always on their toes to attend to emergency blood requests. The last hope for a patient is an emergency donation. This is done when the request is of absolutely critical level and the blood is not available in the rest of the city (particularly the rare groups, Apheresis units, and the seasonal shortage of even common groups).

The importance of Emergency wing

Emergency Wing:

The next day after blood donation drive at a campus like ITPB, Emergency wing got a blood request for 1 unit of B -ve whole blood/packed cells at night. The patient was admitted to M.S.Ramaiah new Hospital and was to undergo kidney transplant. They had already called 1062 and other blood banks in the city, but in vain.

BDO: Busy Bees

A busy phase, for all blood related volunteers, has begun. Following the start of semester in February, increased enthusiasm, better plans and works have been taken. Issues like drawbacks of previous semester and other problems were discussed along with their solutions and improvements.