Do u think INDIA is really moving ahead??
Is she advancing at the right pace?
Just to add
Just to add to forum i would like to know is it moving in right direction also??
Aren't we too much depend on IT for India growth...
we often say one can make the difference...
r u givin full of urs in order to move ahead or in order to move ur country ahead........
if u r movn ahead with a rt goal n +attd. in ur life anyone can certainly say that "YES WE ALL R MOVING AHEAD AND FORCING(OR SAY LEADING) OUR COUNTRY TO MOVE AHEAD"
Too Fast => too bad
All I got to say at this moment about the very fast growing sector -IT
is Too Fast => Too Bad
This is because I feel it is like a sparke. brilliant light but for very short time.
Not sure..
I know that India is moving ahead but i don't know if it is moving ahead in the right pace or not..
I am a happy man...
Its like a nightmare to think about the situation few years back when we have use to have 3 election in 5 years and people use to get on road for any small issue. Employment, pollution, and basic food was major issue.
With recent development and employment now situation is much better..With IT many other fields have grown...India is such a giant that if it stop again it will be difficult to overcome its inertia of rest so I AM HAPPY WITH DEVELOPMENT and not worrying about the pace..
dont know
I cant say this for sure..
People in the country are still close to new ideas n still narrow thinking is prevailing in peoples mind..
last year when Dr Rajkumar died in here what was the condition..
ppl blew up busses n broke windows n showrooms...
this is just an example..
there are many cases like this prevailing in the country..
ppl are dying of hunger, shelter, lack of medical facilities n other basic neccessities...
are we really amoungst the nation who should proud to have such a big population of which most of them are doing nothing..
is brain drain being prevented!!
corrupt politicians are still in office..
though there are good things also about the country n its culture and heritage...
i think the pace is too slow..
someone needs to guide us ion the correct path...
"If the path on which we are moving on has difficulties n obstacles only then we can say we are on the right path"
At one place I see individuals benefittin from the booming IT sector. The other side... pain,helplessness in the farmers.Globalization has increased our GDP but added to the gap of wealth divide.
Today, as our country progresses the gap between the rich and the poor is increasing, resentment increasing. Still today religious intolerance is followed.Poverty, illiteracy still are issues continuing today from the last 60 years.
But... on the brighter side I see Indians proud of their country, of its diversity and uniqueness and in some way striving to make it better.
Yes, situations have improved a lot more than before and yes I do see an India shining.
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