I am a member or many orkut communities.A request came to me.Saying that there is a community called "India Sucks".. and we all Indian should report it as bogus. But according to me all have rights to express their views.So i didn't reported it as bogus.Am i right?
well for those who have orkut accout I am giving the link for that community.
Rights have limitations...
Brijesh i agree to the fact that everyone has rights to express but this doesnt mean that u can say any thing and everything. just imagine if one new community is formed with urs or ur loved once's name in place of India. what would have been ur reaction? or what u would have done? i am sure u must have done something like complaining to the concerned person to stop such thing from happening. u wont have kept quite. when it comes to nation i feel its ur and each of us responsibility that we dont promote such thing and if its happening we shoulnt let it happen or if someone else is doing something at least we can always support.
nice comment
What a powerful comment from Ankita.Ya,Our reaction will be different when it is our loved once. Lets enquire in to this.
well i agree that this is
well i agree that this is not good to show dis-respect for a country in such way.I also agree that i will be very angry and dis-appointed if such community is opened against my name. But i would never try closing that,if the content of the community or matter is true. Can not we take this community as positive.We can see there for what Indian are hated.
And what to say about the people who have joined and made community like "pakistan sucks", "i hate america"..
Lets give them a chace to realise the truth
This is not acceptable, the way you see to this. But what we are seeing here is insulting themselves. This is one of so many public views we see. I dont like to see them having such community. We will try and close this if possible. There are so many similar things we daily see like disrespecting national anthem. Everyday when we sing national anthem we see people showing no response after hearing to it. I can not beat him. But what I can do is to set myself as an example to others. Like in some instances public respected the anthem. We have to make such people to realise the truth. Mean while we have to explore many more truths which we need to be proud of but we dont know.
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