it waz a normal monday noon..weni waz jus done with my internals and after a heavy lunch waz havin a surf on www.suddenly my cell vibrated and yes i d got a blood donation case...the prob wz tat the patient waz from a rural background and kannada wz he s only communicative lang...i hurried over there with my fren volunteer amit..and wen v interevened the case seemed to be quite the patient needed to meke jus on donation 4rom their side..but the prob wz tat none of the patient srelatives wre ready to donate..perhaps later at nite thier feelin i made up my mind tat i would do my first action movie in real time..tat even i waz mity waz 8:30 tat i stepped into the MSR blood bank..and aftre series of reels and dialogues with my co stars in the movie the real action began..for weapons liuke needles to prick blades all wre swayed at me.i help my nerve knowin this waz jus the the end of the movie i stepped out the golden screen with a fruitful award give to me..and yes i also had the best sleep of my life...
indeed i d like 2 act in many more of such movies and win awards.............................
Good thinking..
This was a nice way to convey ur message.. as if u wer actign in a mov.. but try not to do the entangling of wrods becoz it beocmes really irritating ot raed:-)
I'll wait for the sequences of the movie....
It's a good movie....
Hopefully we get to see a lot of such movies....
and I m hoping for e sequential of it after 3 months..., starring Ashwath again....;)
And I m planning for the same movie but this time I'll be starring in it....
And congrats on your first donation...
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