Have you actually some day felt as though the entire universe is crashing on you?
There are times when Gods play chess with men. We, the men are part of such a complex and well designed plan that we find ourself challenged on all the fronts we face. The forehead sweats and the hear beats slowly. Fear and hopelessness is on the rise.
There are men who look for the escape path in these situations. They take things in the easiest manner. First thing to go is the thing that they want. And this to keep the people they are confronting away. Then next thing to go are the dreams. If you are in a problem, you do not find it hard to part with your dreams. Basic survival becomes the ruling light of life.
This change is there for all to see. The friends and family are the first to notice. the fire in the eyes dies out and the man is reduced to a living machine. The person no longer dreams the impossible. Boredom reigns.
Slowly the person turns his/her back on to the small somewhat meaningful thing-"Life". When I find myself in fix.. the most important priority for me is to keep away from all of the above.
"When the going gets tough, the tough gets going".
And I want to believe that I am tough.
If you can see warmth in a storm..
If you can see life in death..
If you can smile in pain..
Then dream.. Nothing can stop you from realizing your dreams..
And the moment you know that you can still dream, the universe suddenly seems not to crash anymore..
P.S. Live Life
There are times when Gods play chess with men. We, the men are part of such a complex and well designed plan that we find ourself challenged on all the fronts we face. The forehead sweats and the hear beats slowly. Fear and hopelessness is on the rise.
There are men who look for the escape path in these situations. They take things in the easiest manner. First thing to go is the thing that they want. And this to keep the people they are confronting away. Then next thing to go are the dreams. If you are in a problem, you do not find it hard to part with your dreams. Basic survival becomes the ruling light of life.
This change is there for all to see. The friends and family are the first to notice. the fire in the eyes dies out and the man is reduced to a living machine. The person no longer dreams the impossible. Boredom reigns.
Slowly the person turns his/her back on to the small somewhat meaningful thing-"Life". When I find myself in fix.. the most important priority for me is to keep away from all of the above.
"When the going gets tough, the tough gets going".
And I want to believe that I am tough.
If you can see warmth in a storm..
If you can see life in death..
If you can smile in pain..
Then dream.. Nothing can stop you from realizing your dreams..
And the moment you know that you can still dream, the universe suddenly seems not to crash anymore..
P.S. Live Life
I had experienced it....
I had experience it recently in my life...That moment nothing seems to be going right..You feel that whole world in your small shoulder ...You slowly slowly lose his confidence...You want to run away from situation...
All this things i had experienced and experiencing... Even i thought to run away and take the easy path but now i can say that this are the situation which built a person Character and Confidence.
Je baat
That is what keeps us rocking..
Even though people may interpret us in two other ways:
1> Fools
2> Extraordinary
But we know, that we take the pain, to keep our Dreams alive and Keep Walking..
I cannot stop but really wonder how GOD tests us. Life is realized not by the joy or merry we make but life gets meaningful when when we begin having the guts to face anything for our dream.
Its actually when we follow our dream and see things happen , we get joy that is so immense , so wonderful. I really wish for a life that has my struggles , my ambition, my despair, joy than to have a dull life where you do nothing than getting the easier way out
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