President of India Dr. A P J Abdul Kalam, by his vision 2020, has given a call to Indians, to cooperate to make India a developed nation by 2020. All the students, youth & the people who want to see India on the path of progress & the NRI's who have brought credit to India are very happy on this declaration of the President but there is a pessimistic group present in the country who instead of giving his contribution for the development of the country is busy in his selfish & limited plans. Surprisingly, there is a student of lesser age in the country who wanted to know from Dr. Kalam that why India can't be a developed nation in 2015? Obviously today country needs young blood with such zealous & enthusiastic thinking that can play an important role with their hopeful & encouraging ideas in making India a developed nation.
At the same time, in India, here is a left group that shows to be a patriotic group but this show of theirs is unable to take the country on the path of constructive advancement. Communalism & casteism are the main hurdles in the path of Indian development. Whereas Rashtriya Swayam Sevak Sangh, an organisation that nourish esteemed Hindutva thinking & its associate organisations, Vishwa Hindu Parishad & Bajrang Dal, that are trying to unite the Hindus on the basis of the religion. These powers are misleading the Hindus that the Hindus are feeling themselves alone & insecure in the world. So all the Hindus in India should unite in the name of Hindutva. Now days, these communal organisations have started a struggle in all the villages, towns, cities, districts & states to be one under the banner of Hindutva. The persons who favour this thought don't consider secularism, a soul of being an Indian but they opine that 'The Hindutva' is the soul of India. They don't think that unity of all the Indians will lead India on the path of progress but they consider that their 'awakening' programme will help to solve all the problems of the country. The people of this organisation argue that India is as Hindu nation & it should be a Hindu state also. The people of this thought are gathering in lakhs in second week of February on the bank of the Ganga River in the historic city of Allahabad. The roots of Vishwa Hindu Parishad are so deep in this country that at present it is running 18000 schools at 12000 places in the country. The size of Vishwa Hindu Parishad has too much spread in India that 6000 committees of Vishwa Hindu Parishad have been established in the country & that too after taking its active part in Ram Janm Bhoomi Movement. Whereas its associate Bajrang Dal has set up its societies at 40000 places. This meeting that will be organised by Vishwa Hindu Parishad in February will be at 300 Acres of land & is mainly expected to discuss about the Hindutva, Gau Raksha (Protection of Cows) & on the present position of the Hindu Culture. The estimated expenditure on this meeting is expected to be 8 crores of rupees.
In the same way, the Muslim community also attempts to unite sometimes on the basis of communalism. Such communal organisation has already divided India in 1947 on the basis of community. After 1947, the fundamental Hindutva organisation looks at the Muslim in India as the second class citizens. Whereas the Hindus the biggest majority in India, with secular & liberal thoughts, look at the Indian Muslims just like other Indian citizens. They have made many plans, committees & departments to enable them to join the mainstream of progress of the country. Some surveys done in the country have revealed that most of the Muslims in India are illiterate, poor & unemployed. Whenever the central government or any state government takes the steps to uplift the backward Muslim class, at that time these communal powers raise a hue & cry & try to nullify it by polarisation of the Hindu votes.
In India, many organisations are active on the basis of caste & community but it is a matter of pleasure that even today 71% of Indians including the Hindus, the Muslims, the Sikhs, the Christians are proud of being Indians & not on being of their own community. Last days, a reputed information service of the world, British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) got a wide survey done in India. The facts that came to light after this survey those clearly showed that the persons, who depend on religion & community for politics, may spend whatever they want for their selfish ends but the survey reveals that more than 55% of Indians want social harmony & communal peace & consider communalism & casteism big hurdles. The results of this survey gave weight to the Vision 2020 of the President Kalam when it showed that 6 out of 10 Indians consider it a matter of personal importance when India becomes the super power in economic, military & political spheres. 58% of Indians expressed their views that security of India is in danger by some Indians. This survey also revealed that 50% people don't take religion seriously. This survey by BBC must have discouraged the communal & caste based organisation.
In fact, the energy used for encouraging communal & caste based programmes by some organisation, if it is used on the resources that are helpful in making India a developed nation, undoubtedly, that imagination, thought by the optimist boy, of making India a developed nation in 2015, five years earlier, as expressed by the President Kalam, can be turned into reality. All the Indians should learn a lesson from the history that tells that communalism has leaded us to nowhere. This made us weak & never gives us strength. It may be the partition of 1947 or the incident of December 6, 1992 or bomb blasts of Bombay or Godhra train incident or communal riots that took place in Gujarat, Meerut, Bhagalpur, Jamshedpur, Aligarh etc. or the terrorism that was in Punjab, two decades ago, all these shed Indian blood by the Indians. All these incidents weaken India & make India economically weaker. These incidents don't lead India to the path of progress. That's why, often a question is asked in India that how Japan that has suffered an atomic attack, is advancing by leaps & bounds. Many people ask the same question about China. There is only one answer to these questions & that is, all the people in those countries are sincerely devoted to their nation. That devotion is not a show or drama. They prove their patriotism by their deeds & duty. They don't involve in mere words. The shops based on caste & communal works don't give profits there. Such efforts are condemned in those countries.
Today, India too needs such efforts. Now they are to think, those who blow empty trumpets of patriotism, if their organisations are useful for the Hindus & the Muslims in India or the country. Undoubtedly, a person who is a native of India, if only takes pride in being of a particular community, it will not make India an advanced nation. But if all the people of India sing in the joint voice- 'We are proud of being an Indian,' certainly it will make India a developed nation before 2020.
these days lots of differentiation in religion is occuring, may be due to political reasons or others.. The only way to solve this is by thinking we are Indians as stated in the post and all are our brothers and sisters:-) i m sure this ideaology and the love for our nation will make India developed soon..
Starting off the analysis of above
Writer Tanveer Jafri is a columnist in India related with hundreds of most popular daily news papers/portals in india and abroad.Almost, he writes in the field of communal harmony, world peace, anti communalism, anti terrorism, national integration, national & international politics etc.He is a devoted social activist for world peace, unity, integrity & brotherhood. He is also a member of Haryana Sahitya Academy & Haryana Urdu Academy (state govt. bodies in India). Thousands articles of the author have been published in different newspapers, websites & newsportals throughout the world. He is also a receipent of many awards in the field of Communal Harmony & other social activities
I picked up this description from the author's parent post
And it will be good if we can go word by word through it..
Step one: Is this article unbiased?
I want to break this topic in 2 halfs
One: What is the impact of extremist communal politics on India's growth?
Two: Who is responsible for it?
Only then I feel can we discuss this topic better.
My answers are as follows:
One: Yes! The country's progress is suffering greatly due to caste based politics. that is one of the worst kind of things to happen. The incidences cited above are truly a very bad mark on the name of our nation. And to accelerate the growth of the country we should do away with this.
Two: OOPs! In my opinion the author has carefully kept out the true, raw and most disturbing issues from his writing. Not only would they have created problems for him, but they also would have been hard to digest by the Indian mass. I would have expected rallies and protests against him.
Secondly, while targeting the group that offers least resistance to such media publicity, the author has not even attempted to give a comprehensive view of the organization he is talking about. Gross generalization and unwarranted assumptions can be seen when Bajrang Dal, Vishwa Hindu Pasrishad and RSS are all seen belonging to the same clan. They are different organizations. tehy have different leadership. differences in their opinion are known to all. Then they should each be considered seperately.
Pseudo secularist mentality, is from by viewpoint, is the basis of this article.
Other people involved have been ignored
What about conversion?
What about religion based reservation?
What about UP politics?
What about Madarsas and SIMI activities?
What about terrorism directed to create communal tension?
What about hundreds of crores being spent for evangelists in Bangalore?
What about protests and rioting on Indian streets for Saddam Hussain?
What about politicians.. BJP.. Congress.. Others?
What about unjustified aid to minority institutions who reserve themselves for minorities?
What about open Fatwas?
What about Kashmiri leader statements?
Obviously my dear friend, the author, has happily assumed that all communalism comes from the Organizations he cites.
Actually he dare not talk about the above listed.. he will have strong reasons to fear..
Funds and networking
If the Christian Missionaries gather funds and build up networks in each village it is ok. If SIMI get's its wings operational all over the country in-spite of the ban, it is not to be mentioned.. If the Sikhs have an Akaal Takht in Amritsar it is ok. But if an Hindu Organization has it's winds in the country.. it is perceived as a threat to national progress???
If missionaries spend millions on their programmes it is fine, if all other people call for conferences it is fine.. if a Hindu organization of the size as big as what the author describes come up with a programme costing 8 crores.. it is roadblock in national progress???
And I wonder how many people know that this money that they are spending is not America or Pakistan sponsored.. It does not come from China.. It is their own money !! Whether they want to discuss Godhan or any other thing, how is it related to Vision 2020???
biased opinion
Clearly the writer is biased.. the facts are inflated.. the ground reality hidden..
What has been portrayed is what can easily be sold to public in cheep newspapers and free networks..
Ground basic reality is not exactly the same.
You are Biased too!!
Friend you are sounding biased too. Now we are blamming rather giving the right solution.
As per your hint,people of that religion which has more no of children are the one who came to INDIA few months before and won the first prize in debate defeating students of IIM-B.
Anyways this is public forum and I dont expect the anyone to get biased when the concerned issue is "religion".
Please clarify
The second statement is not clear to me.
Also, You are right.
I am blaming the author of attempting to reinforce pseudo-secularism in India. I am blaming him for a partial and well inflated view..
Also, can I please request you for your opinion on the article itself too..
Solution comes once problem is identified
You may not be able to find the solution if the problem is wrongly identified.. You may not even find a discussion for a solution when the discussion for identifying the problem is on still..
Make a survey ofnthe number of kids
make a survey of the number of kids per family for each religion and you will know why some do not prosper.
Two equally gifted men start their life. one has 2 kids, the other has 6.
One gives them quality education, safe environment, games to play and scope to develop.
Other gives them nothing but dark gloomy rooms to stay in. Pushes them to work at a tender age. Never shows them the school. Keeps them from education..
And 20 years later people blame ... blame and blame.. Will people start looking at the real problems...
Find me a country in the world where more support id given to minorities than India!!
More support than needed..
I find that India is giving more support than needed to the minority communities.. people want their community to be named as minority/backward community so that they can enjoy the benifits.. a new community is being named backward community each time... the number of backward communities is increasing.. Once a community has been named as backward it remains backward.. it never comes out of the list.. But for India to be a developed country this number should actually be decreasing..
At the same time I am not saying that "few"
At the same time I am not saying that "few" of the mentioned organizations are not involved in malicious activities.
All I want to portray here is that the article above is neither comprehensive not factual. One party is being blamed for all. That is not right.
Their complete portrayal will reveal a different picture.. Which our media finds hard to digest
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