The winds stop blowing across the face. Ina n attempt to remain partially secure and partially moving towards your goal.. you tend to loose track.. You start loosing yourself..
There are days when you know that what you are doing is not sufficient. When your dreams and your inner self knows that there are more stones to be turned. When you know that there is more to be explored. At the same time you know that survival is not what will take you to your dream.. Survival is becoming boring.. it is not talking the best..
There are days when you find yourself sitting on a comfortable chair.. Those are days when you want comfort and rest. You are already half dead.. Your passion for pain is gone.. You are unable to walk the thorny road on that day... All you are doing is planning.. Planning with no execution..
You need to have those nerves that wont break.. But this need is somewhere not satisfied..
You are thirsty for that change.. Your entire body wants a meaning. You want that goal.. You want that passion for which you can die.. You do not want anything short of pure adrenaline in your blood .. not for a moment but for a lifetime..
But.. you are slow.. you are lazy.. you are not planned.. you are crazy.. you are foOL!
By "You" I only meant me in the above lines..
And then I am thinking what to do.
With nothing better,,,., rthat comes to mind.. I post a stupid blog post!!
May I find my way! May i live and die for a meaning..
You will
I had seen similar situation in my life and that prove to be turning point for my life. I took it as challenge and do what has to be done.
Today i read a quote stating "Discontent is a first step toward your goal". So you already completed first step now time for rest.
This is what runs in the minds of most of the people.. (I m one among them).. i believe the last line applies to all of us..
NOT ON TRACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Firstly the fact is that you don't have a Goal....If you have a goal ,come what may you will not loose track....So think and identify your goal....then its totally up to you how to achieve it...Work towards that goal with passion,energy and commitment i'm sure you will achieve it.....You should also have patience....The important thing is your effort to achieve it........
Lalith Parmar
Vande Mataram
For Blood Call 1062
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