Writing a Good Report
This is for all my friends who find it difficult to write reports. I do not say that I am an expert but I have been writing quite many reports. So I take the liberty to post this. Apologies for the mistakes ..
Your report must have following info:
What happened
Who Participated
Why was this done
What was the result
What does it contribute to future.
Try and ensure that answers to all are included in your report..
Although writing a report point wise is good, but DO NOT write it like points. Make short crisp sentences. Try and have one point per paragraph.
DO NOT state the obvious. Let us not have people saying that donors came and then they were screened and then the waited and then they drank Bejois and then they left. Try and tell things which people will like to know.
Add the special features. Something nice might have happened. Add it.
Include feedbacks and learning aspects. Include what people were saying about the happening.
Be straight to the point. A report must have minimum emotions.
Read once it is written and see if you would have liked it had someone else written.
Do not give excess details. All details should be included separately. Initial report must have top level description + attachments.
Spell check carefully. Do not forget Sankalp starts with a capital S and India starts with a capital I.
If possible ask someone to read your report and give feedback.
Also, the earlier you write a report after the happening the better will it be.
I hope this will help. Next time you write a report, think about these points.
Good Initiative.
I like the initiative, its really useful. I would like to see same kind learning for others things too e.g Public speaking, Time management etc..
If response is good we will take one activity at a time and do it online as well as off line.
I'm glad
I am glad that it is of use. But I will be happier when I start seeing the reports benefit from this.
Very Helpful..
This is going to be really helpful to me.. I actually didn't have any idea how to write a report until now:-) i m going to practice on it..
Very Helpfull
Thanks rajat....The template for the report is Excellent...this will help all of us to present report in one format hence there will be uniformity...As jayesh suugested we should also be trained on other activities....Let us try to devote sometime for this also as it will have a significant impact.
Lalith Parmar
Vande Mataram
For Blood Call 1062
Use of Capital Letters
We often tend to emphasize portions of our writing by capitalizing it. When read, it looks ugly and obstructive.
Please make use of Capital letters only where required.
Only for some very important words, usage of all capitals makes sense.
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