Forgotten heroes

Submitted by amit on
The year 2007 is 150th Anniversary of First war of Independence. All of us are paying our tributes to the great heroes who gave us the freedom that we enjoy today. But there are some heroes who sacrificed there entire life to preserve our freedom and gave their entire life for us but are still forgotten. Did you know that there are still 54 Indian Soldiers incarcerated in Pakistan prisons post the Indo-Pak war of 1971. It is an irony that even after the comprehensive victory, India could not free her soldiers who were trapped by the enemy in the heat of war. These prisoners are no ordinary mortals. They fought for the honour and glory of the country and have to be treated as such. They do not deserve to remain in the dark and dingy cells of an enemy nation. They are our heroes. Their tale should have formed part of India\'s martial folklore and their names taken with respect and pride. Today they remain forgotten, mere names in the file lost in the labyrinth of the South Block.


Submitted by Jayesh on Fri, 15-Jun-2007 - 10:27


I watched a movie name "1971" based on Indian soldier trapped in Pakistan after 1971 war. After watching movie you can see the pain they might be going in real life. We cant live for more than few days the life they are/were living till their end of life. Salute to all those heroes...

Submitted by mansoor on Fri, 15-Jun-2007 - 21:32


i kindly request some body from sankalp to put a nice blog and photos of mother tearesa

I have posted the images of Mother Teresa under image gallery: Project Tirange -> Nation -> Mother Teresa Now You can post a good blog on Mother Teresa so work will be done 100%..

Submitted by tejasvi.adiga on Sat, 23-Jun-2007 - 15:26


As sankalp volunteers let us make sure that these heros are not forgotten atleast in our mind:-)