Sankalp Expanding to Other Cities

After about a dozen attempts to publicize 1062 without much success, it finally clicked.. One of the mails that we designed for the promotion of this helpline hit the net in a big way. Even before we knew, there were thousands of people around the town, who were forwarding this life saving mail to their friends and acquaintances. Initial signs of the success of the mail came in as we started receiving calls from people just to verify whether the helpline actually existed. But more was about to unfold. Soon we realized that the mail did not highlight the fact that this was meant for only Bangalore and Karnataka. Before we knew, we were receiving calls from Chennai, Hyderabad, Cochin, Pune, Mumbai, Ahmedabad, Surat, Baroda and New Delhi. One rule that the Sankalp Volunteer follows more strictly than any other religion, is to never ever say a no for blood. So as we started receiving blood requests from the other parts of the country, we found ourselves insufficiently prepared to take on the challenge. It is not that we did not receive blood requests from other towns earlier. But at those times, the request came to us only in extremely critical conditions. And now, people who were posted for a surgery a month later too were mailing us and asking for blood. At this point, the affinity of the Sankalp Volunteers to read and explore whatever they find about blood donation came to rescue. We had a fair idea of the active and good organizations in other cities who were working to provide blood. Every time we received a request, we passed on the relevant information and helped the patients. More was coming in. Thousands of hits from around the country on our site redirected from this mail were a clear reflection of the keenness of people from all parts of the country to help people in need. With our experience of searching for blood for the patients in the past 4 years, we have been able to build up accurate and efficient strategies to search for blood. They are backed with relevant information from Bangalore. Now it is the turn of other cities. Yes, you got us right. Sankalp has decided to build up information profiles for each of the major cities of the country so as to make blood search a cakewalk for all of them. Work has already started. But we are looking for people from other towns who would like to be a part of the movement. We wish to involve you in the process of saving lives and want to equip you sufficiently to be able to do so. It does require commitment and hard work. But the reward is un-equaled. You could be the person who is the last line of hope for the people in your community. Interested people can mail us at indicating their willingness to work for this. “We offer no bed of roses. All we have is just thorns.” If you are one of the few who would like to walk the thorny road to clear it off for the others to follow, we welcome you to be a part of Sankalp. Cheers
Sankalp Unit

Submitted by tejasvi.adiga on Mon, 23-Jul-2007 - 12:07


It is nice to hear that we r expanding and also about the response to mails - 1062:-)

Submitted by smruthi aravind on Sat, 28-Jul-2007 - 23:37

In reply to by tejasvi.adiga


u've already told us wat to do very far as hyderabad is concerned we've got all the sufficient info...we dint take a step further to make posters..n all...i think we r short of members..we wud like 2 help u as much as we can..Image removed.

.. To help you out with this I have an Idea.. Why done you people mail me all the information that you have. I will request the Abhivyakti Team here in Bangalore (people who are part of the designing and publishing group of Sankalp) to prepare the final posters etc for you..

Let's get it done.. well.. by this Independence DayÂ