
Submitted by ankita on
Today was drainage cleanup day for my home. Due to some blockage in the system lots of problem was created and cleaning was required. A cleaner was called for this work. I had no idea about thing happening at home before I heard my mother asking everyone not to go use the back door as we may step on dirty things coming out of drains or contact the cleaner himself. Just out of curiosity I went to balcony to see how it is being done and why my mother is banning our free movement inside our own house premises. I saw one single person wrapped in single cloth, which has turned black, around his waist carrying two buckets. He was simply filling those buckets with filth and dirt and carries it to the huge drain at some distance from our house. For 2 minutes I was simply observing him.

By observing him anyone can say he was honestly doing his work. We call it menial and filthy work of cleaning drains and latrines. No respect for such work or such person doing this and on top of that if you even get in contact with his foot marks also you need to take bath. Since childhood we have been asked to keep distance from such person and reason given is that they are dirty people and do all dirty work of cleaning drains.

Somehow I don’t agree. Whatever is the work small or big if it is being done sincerely and honestly can never be menial or dirty. We need to learn to respect each others work. I was just thinking what if cleaners never existed. Two things could have happened either we would have been dying of several diseases because of lack of cleanness or we would have been doing this same job ourselves and would not have called it as small menial jobs. In our society even terrorist are more respected that these people. We do appreciate the master mind planning of terrorist. we some how find reasons to say good about big names or famed people like for under world don, few film stars or even politicians. But we very well know what they do is the most awful work. Can’t we find one small reason to acknowledge cleaner class of worker in our society? At least they don’t harm us or they don’t kill innocent people.


Submitted by pooja on Tue, 07-Aug-2007 - 18:04

Permalink is necessary for each of us to appriciate their work and understand how important they are for us(as it is clearly pointed out)....i'm reminded of a scene of the film munna bhai MBBS........

Submitted by snigdha on Mon, 13-Aug-2007 - 19:12


Actually u need 2 have an eye 2 look at their importance in our life.

I 2 was d part of d scenario n witnessed everything: d way they worked day n night ,cleaning d drains filled with our shit. believe me they were smelling like hell n general people like me can't withstand 2 stay there even 4 few seconds.

let me talk about myself. leave d rest of d world 4 d time being. i saw them working but i never thought of thanking them even in d remotest part of my brain. i simply failed 2 see their importance.

thanks Ankita di .