All of us know that reservation in educational institutions is wrong. Dont we?
I am not exactly looking for people ho want to talk about that by means of this blog post. All I am looking for is this: People to come up and say -'This is what I want to do to oppose this move.' I am looking for people who want to take it on themselves to take up a protest.
I am talking about direct action. Pl contact me if you are interested in this. If you have a rush of blood which is waiting to be converted into focal work.
Lets Join In
Lets Join our hands and lets fight against reservations from our hearts. I would join In with you.
Make sure you participate in teh Nationwide Strike on the 17th without fail, without fear and without anyone reminding..
Tell me where
Where, when what time. Tell tell Ill be there
Be Patient
Ill post everything you need to know about it before 16th. Just keep your ears and eyes open
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