
Submitted by brij_agrwl on
well my question is" what u call as charity?" i do not consider distribution of commodities,arranging a fun time for those poors,nor the free food as charity..

Rather charity would be something like creating a environment that help them evolve.. Let them know that they can build there life.. They can not simply blame a government for anything without casting votes.. All in all I would cosider awareness program can be most effective as charity.. Right?

And I think our Sankalp Organisation doing same..


Submitted by rajat on Tue, 11-Apr-2006 - 15:07


Quite true Brijesh. We Do not wish to feed the hungry, we want to facilitate him in earning for himself. BUT we do not call it 'Charity'. Its our Responsibility. Charity is a word that is in it self the other kind. Sankalp wants people to feel responsible for their surrounding and thereby fulfill their Duty.

Submitted by Jayesh on Wed, 12-Apr-2006 - 10:06


I like the question ...First i used to believe the same that distributing food and other resource is what all mean CHARITY but not now in last few year i realised that no point in helping a person who do not want to do efforts to make himself standing...what ever you do he will fall again because he has not put efforts from her side... so i think best way to help is give them helping hand and let them come forward to hold it...

Submitted by Venu on Thu, 13-Apr-2006 - 11:14


As we all know this- dont give the fish istead give the net. Sankalp wish to show the way and give chance to those who want to grow. I agree with Rajat that what ever Sankalp do it does bacause it feels it as the responsibility.