Hi guys
I’m back with another story that I wrote few hours back. It’s all about the
faith in almighty. Those who believe in
his existence will know what I mean.
It was a
dark gloomy night one that makes you think that why things are happening the
way they are, the ones that can really scare you. On such a night Neeta was
admitted in the hospital. She had a major accident and was very critical. The
doctors were not very hopeful of her recovery and had told her husband and
family the same. All was in Gods hand. The doctors had told them that the night
was very critical for her. They thought that her chances of survival were even
less than what they could think of. Everything was grim was this family.
had always been such a source of inspiration was all the people in her life.
She was looked up to by everyone as a friend philosopher and guide. She
brightened the lives of everyone and all felt that they were blessed by her
presence in their lives. She had married the man she loved and was very happy
with a two year old daughter. The news of her accident had come as a thunderbolt
to all. At first they couldn’t believe it and thought that someone was kidding
with them. But it was true and seeing the intensity of the accident it seemed
her days were indeed numbered.
this her husband Shubhon could feel tears brim in his eyes. He was very
desperate and was just praying that she
make it till morning when a highly experienced neurosurgeon was coming to India
and who had agreed to look in her case and do whatever possible. He was
frantically moving up and down the hall just praying to god doing something he
hardly did. But today he was so helpless he couldn’t help turning to god to
grace him.
one nurse came from the ICU calling on the doctor. She was the same nurse who
was attending on Neeta. As she ran across Shubhon he got scared and ran behind.
The nurse informed the doctor that she was slipping back and forth from
unconsciousness. They rushed to check on her. She seemed to be having trouble
breathing and her condition was deteriorating. Suddenly it seemed that Neeta
opened her eyes with great difficulty the pain clearly reflecting on her face.
Neeta saw a very young Doctor standing right next to her as the others were
saying something to her which she could not comprehend. But she saw that this
Doctor was empathetic encouraging her to hold on as if saying,” I’ll not let
anything happen to you Neeta”.
again slipped back into unconscious state. Next morning when she woke up she
saw many doctors were smiling down at her but not the one she wanted to see.
She had seemed to turn around the corner and was doing much better her vital
stats were much more positive than what they were the night before. The Doctors
said that she may make it. This news was a gift for her husband and her baby
girl. They came to see her and it was to her husband that Neeta said what she
wanted. She told him to please bring the mirror to her as she wanted to see
what they had done and where she had been operated. But what followed was not
pleasing. Seeing her head that was three times the normal and the scars she
began sobbing. All her beautiful tresses had gone. She began sobbing all the
more loudly. Seeing this Shubhon ran to get the doctor.
As he ran out Neeta saw the same doctor come
in who was there in ICU the last night standing by her. "It's
all right," he told her soothingly. "Your head won't stay like this. The scar is bad, yes, but you're alive, and you're going to get better."
He picked up her hand and held it. Peace seemed to flow through her and Neeta
fell asleep. The next time Neeta awakened, it was 4 a.m. When she rang for a nurse, the same doctor came in! He was smiling, and he spoke so softly she could barely hear him. "You're going to be all right. I want you to know that. I'm here. I'll never leave you," he said, leaning over her. This time Neeta was awake enough to study him. His features seemed flawless. His hair was short and blond, cut in an old-fashioned
way with longish bangs and parted on the left. He had bright
black eyes. His hand was warm, soft and strong. Again, Neeta fell asleep with him telling her she would be fine. From that point on, every day at 4 a.m. she would wake up and he would be there,holding her hand and talking softly.
When her
brother came to meet Neeta she asked him to call the doctor for her and also to
find out his name as she wanted to thanks him personally for being kind
compassionate and for being with her when she was too scared to be alone. She
was all the more touched by his personal presence when she needed him. He went
out and asked the nurses for that Doctor but they said that there was no such
Doctor that suited the description Neeta had given them. They suggested checking
with the interns but there also no one suited the description Neeta had given.
When he
returned to her room he told his sister that she must have been dreaming as
there is no such person and no one knows such a man either. Neeta didn’t argue
with him but then she was told later that her brother and husband had continued
looking for such a doctor until someone said that it may have been her guardian
angel her lord who had been with her in all that critical time.
recovered from that drastic accident and she knew that she was alive because
her angel had not let alone at any point of time and she thus wished that someday
she could meet her angel who saved her life and say thank you