Wouldn’t most of us feel sorry for a small dog, which has got hurt on the road, and want to help it. A similar incident occurred in front of three Sankalp volunteers when they were visiting schools for the Mission Siachen postcard campaign. They found that a dog had got hurt in the middle of the road and that the terrified soul was trying to bite anybody who tried to help. Somehow the auto-drivers around shifted the dog on to the footpath and left it there. People, who couldn’t be of any help turned to making the dog’s life miserable and started to make fun of it by pouring water on it and laughing at it.
But Sankalp volunteers wanted to really help out the hurt dog. The problem was they did not know any help-line number or other contacts, which could help them in this situation. Fortunately one of them knew about the “Justdial” number. This is a help-line, which a person can contact and ask for any number we require and then they will message the corresponding numbers to our mobile number. This way they got the numbers of the Veterinary Hospital around the area (Malleshwaram) and dialed them up. But all the Hospitals they called did not have an Ambulance facility to pick up the dog.
When they were desperately trying out to help out the hurt dog, the people around them, like the auto-drivers, started to jeer at them and questioned their abilities. But the Volunteers did not lose hope and found the CUPA (a animal welfare organization) number. But after they contacted the CUPA people, and convinced them to help the dog, they found out that the dog (not of any breed but a stray one) actually belonged to an auto-driver who was present there. Finally after all the efforts of the Volunteers, the auto-driver took the dog away, saying that it belonged to him and he would get it checked up.
While coming back from the school the Volunteers found the dog in a nearby house. When they tried to enquire they were given a cold answer that the dog had been treated and bandaged.
This incident is posted to just tell everybody that even though we may face resistances from the people around us, please do NOT lose hope and keep trying. And to ensure that any person, who reads this does not find themselves in a sticky and helpless situation like this, we are publishing the help-line numbers below. We request every one of you who reads this to PLEASE make a note of these numbers in their Mobile phones for further references.
Thats what is expected of a Sankalp Volunteers!!!Cheers
set a great example...
i would just like to tell u have done a very good job. i would have been blank at such a situation especially wen the dog was trying to bite all those who wer trying to help it.
i m sure you would have set a great example to the onlookers who wanted to help but din know wat to do..u have done a great job....jus keep up the same and encourage others also to do the same..
I am proud of all of you. I am glad that there are hearts like yours and more that I am in touch with you.
I hear the words of the people who are the revolutionsries. YOU ARE THE FUTURE. The bringht one. i cannot tell you how much hope and promise I see in your actions .
Keep it up girls. Keep Going :)