My experience with Mission Siachen

Submitted by barkha on
While trying to spread the awareness about the soldiers at Siachen I really went through some experiences which helped me not only to know about the soldiers (which I never knew) and also about the approach of the people towards such campaigns and matters...Truely speaking..Initially I was really feeling very bad that how can people be so insensitive towards a task which just needs some 5-10 minutes and inturn gives them an opportunity to express their gratitude and appreciation for all those who stand the extreme conditions showing the metal of their mental and physical toughness ... Out of all the people informed about the mission just about two people approached me back showing their willingness in joining the campaign....I was really feeling bad infact not bad but would say was feeling disgussed by the attitude of people, anyways as was the mission the number of messages was not the target but to get it from the people who really wanted to send them was the intention..I kept waiting for people to approach me for the Post Cards rather then requesting them to write one..Yeah I made sure to provide all the information and details to all those who showed little interset in the matter....

The last day when I was suppose to send the post cards back to Sankalp Foundation (I was having some cards with messages on them and about 50% Sealed of the total cards still blank Sealed).... and then something really encouraging happened........

In my office was getting the envelope ready to couriered and some of my office and teammates came to me and said hey are you sending these cards back today...actually we were wondering if we can have some more cards to write our we have already written one...

This group of people who willingly came to the task was the real discovery....the card number hardly increased by 10 ....but as the approach was "Not the number but the willingness" that moment I was assured that its just the initial inertia of the people that has to be over come..ofcourse by them only and may be we the voulenteers be a medium or source for them...once they are out of that hesitant and backing off can see the feel of being Indian which most of the time these days looks missing or is intended not to be shown by most of us...


Submitted by rajat on Fri, 18-Jan-2008 - 16:39


I am glad that you took the initiative all by yourself in Pune. I am happy to learn about what you did.

But this is not what i am most happy about. I am most happy about your early exposure to the static society and it's resistance to change.

There are 2 cadre of revolutionaries(at least the wanna bees). the first cadre tries to push the society to set it moving and the other just makes it's own way ahead. You must , at this stage choose your way. :))

May the feelings flow like rivers .. free and un-bound