Fighting terrorism and poverty - without guns!

Submitted by rajat on

Over the past five years the Left Front government in Tripura has had significant achievements in the state.

Insurgency is on the downswing and hundreds of schools have been re-opened in remote areas. However, the state still remains underdeveloped.

In an effort to help things, some ordinary citizens are now chipping in to make the difference.

It took Muktomohan Jamatiya seven years to convince people that rubber plantation has a future. His effort in changing the economy of Rayabari has totally transformed the area.

Tripura's unsung heroes chart new course

Muktomohan planted his first rubber tree in 1986. Now he has plantations in over 25 villages and owns 280 rubber trees. He even earns up to Rs 25 thousand a month.

People were terribly poor. Militants were all over. Then rubber came, everybody started earning through rubber. Poverty had forced a lot of people towards militancy. They are now out of it completely, said Muktomohan Jamatiya, entrepreneur.

Today, rubber plantation contributes significantly to Tripura's economy. It's the second rubber capital of the country after Kerala.

We had no idea that the yield is so much. Muktomohan learnt everything about the plantation. There were financial constraints. We now get two square meals a day. We will ask whoever comes to power for some more help with scientific methods, said Radhamohan Jamatiya, farmer.

Jamatiya started off alone with little money and support. Today he's an icon, yet pretty much rooted to his earlier lifestyle.

It s truly a story of, ''be the change that you want to see in others.'' Though tribal areas are Left Front strongholds, but not everyone depend on the Red flag for change.


Submitted by rajat on Tue, 19-Feb-2008 - 09:54


To read about people who emerge out form the dust to give a better LIFE to the people around them always inspires me. They are the Real Heroes who bring ion a grass root change in the society.

The sad thing is that  we the educated and the empowered people do not look back to our nation. As we prosper and grow living the most modern lives of the cities, someone somewhere is deprived of the knowledge and the power that we could have been instrumental in bringing their way.

Submitted by Jayesh on Mon, 25-Feb-2008 - 14:26


It remind me of the quote: Where there is a will, there is a way.One lesson I learn is opportunities are always there around us only we need to look for it.

Entrepreneurship is what i say a win win situation for all.

Submitted by tejasvi.adiga on Mon, 25-Feb-2008 - 19:37


As far as i have seen usually one man is enough to bring about a change in the surrounding.. But even he needs support some times.. here Mukto has seen suffering that is why he is helping his people.. Only people who have seen suffering can bring about a change (as far as what i have seen)