Happy Ugadi.. Happy Ugadi to the unborn child who is sitting right on the top and smiling at the mere foolish mortals. Happy Ugadi to the mother who bore him for 9 months only to battle for her own life at this present moment. This maybe a mood spoiler for the new year but i just can't stop thinking of the events that took place yesterday. I fail to understand how on earth can a hospital specify the wrong blood group of a pregnant lady who is critical. I remember the time when my cousin was about to be born. Everything all around was so joyous. Everyone was so happy. I shiver to think of the plight of the mother and her family.
Her blood group was O-. Stocks were available in many places in Bangalore and the patient relative could have got blood easily. But that was not to be. They were told that her blood group was AB-. Stocks were not available anywhere in Bangalore so the case came to Sankalp volunteers at the most critical stage. Normally only 1 person is involved in solving a case but this was urgent so we saw a mass participation. People who were not related to Sankalp also came forward to help because everyone understood the seriousness of the case and everyone knew that AB- donors are rare. Online Donors were called and the response was good. One donor came from Banshankri to donate. Such incidents brings back our faith and belief towards humanity. This donor travelled one hour at 10 in the night to help someone whose name was also unknown to him.
But alas all this effort bore no fruit. While cross matching it was found that the patients blood group was O- and it was available in plenty in Ramaiah Hospital. Disaster. The patient lost valuable time in this whole process. So here we are with the child dead and the mother brain dead. My Ugadi and Navratri is dedicated to them. May god never lead anyone to that hospital and in such disaster. Actually this is not the problem of just that hospital. It's the problem with is human beings. We are incompetent fools. It's time we educate ourselves.
One amongst the first few
One amongst the first few things which medical students learn is Blood Grouping. I fail to understand how they can go wrong in doing it. On top of that hospitals charged the relative of this lady like anything.
A small negligence is now converted to death bed for someone. The day I went to see this lady's family I felt so helpless. Nothing could be done now even if we arrange 100 units of O Negative blood. 6-7 hours she was bleeding where she could have been easily transfused 6-7 units which were available in different blood banks in the city. But all of us were looking for AB Negative as asked by the doctors.
Can we?
It is really sad and tragic to see the negligience shown by the medics of our country. I feel its time to raise voice against the medics. I was wondering if we could start a nationwide movement about the same. Can we somehow go to the hospitals and find out more about such cases of negligience and talk to the sufferers, to the doctors and then perhaps take assistance from Press. If we get around ten such cases also from across the country, we can easily discuss this matter for two months, with an additional input and information spreading awareness on Blood Donation and related matters. I feel it can create an impact as a nationwide campaign and it may help in bringing back that trust which people are fast losing...
this was a shock in the morning
shittttttttttt how can they do this being a human being
even i was very happy when ritesh told me that the blood got arranged ...
but later when i heard this i felt really bad ..... they have taken the life of a innocent child who was about to see the world ..... che...
- There were 2 hospitals visited before Jain. Both have charged the patient's relatives a hefty sum for blood grouping.
- The patient has suffered brain damage due to shortage of blood.
- She is still struggling for life even as I type.
Rahul, do it man. You can! Do it. I hope you get the long story in few words.