This wonderful monday morning I opened my mailbox to see a mail from a person I scarcely remember. He was there in my college, a year junior to me. I was sure he has got nothing to do with me.. Reluctantly, I clicked the button to open the mail.
And guess what! All I could see is an ocean of mail ids. Ids and more ids .. It looked like this person had decided to mail half of humanity about some issue that he expected people will dish out from the ocean of mail ids that one could see.
Again, as is the case with most spam mails that I receive, I scrolled down quickly to see if had something to do with blood. But, in-line with my guess, it was yet another masterpiece of philanthropy. The beautifully written words described about yet another act that can change lives of the people. It had some wonderful methodologies described in most elegant language and with the most heart rendering pics inviting people to ACT.
For this mail, I did what I do with hundreds of others - "Clicked the Delete button". I had received it and read it a couple of doze times before. But something else rang the bells. And hence this blog.
About a thousand people before me, for sure, had forwarded this mail to whoever they knew. Assuming that they were not frustrated misanthropes wanting to kill someone else's time, they must surely have found something very wonderful about the idea in the mail. They surely must have felt something should be done about the cause. In the tsunami of emotions that must have flowed through every neuron in their head they must have made the big decision to ACT and make a difference.
And so they did. They DID act. Forwarded the mail to a hundred people. Did it make any difference to their lives about 60 sec after pressing the forward button? I really doubt. But, they must have surely felt happy about expressing their care. ACTing upon the idea in the mail. Sending it to many people, believing that there will be someone who will ACT.
Are we all looking out for a Messiah to come and save us. Deliver us from sins and protect us from evil? Someone who will ACT?
I would like to answer the last part of the mail.
"Are we all looking out for a Messiah to come and save us.Deliver us from sins and protect us from evil? Someone who will ACT? "
I have an elder brother, and I can say he is a idle elder brother. He has been guiding his and my left to better & best. He has been taking responsbilities at home & at office. Taking care of all our personal works at home.
I am working for Accenture for past about 2 years. Initially, I had less work, and I was happy. But, soon it got boring browsing though out the day. I got rolled on to another project which had lot of work. I was not happy, as the work load needed my personal time into office. I planned my another rolled off. But, when I asked my self, when I would reach a project where I would be happy and things would be as I want them to be. I had an answer that things can never be as we want because our wants keep changing. And I should do my best with the current situation or make the situation work for me. And I decided to ACT. I decided to work.I decided to take responsibilty. I decided to complete my officeal and personal work by self. Thus I say NO we are not waiting.
I wrote a blog few minutes back. I said "Wish I could share their pain." But, what did I actually do? Nothing. just a blog. Here unknowingly I am WAITING for SOMEONE (it could be GOD) to go... talk to those parents and take their pain on behalf of me and transfer it to me if possible. Or.. let it be as it is. Thus I say YES, we are waiting.
When it comes to social work, or actually when you have to go out and work for others, we say "sorry, thats not my job. Better I would forward my feelings,let the mail reach to a person who can work on that".