Why do we pray

Submitted by amitsedai on

I was travelling on a bus to Bannerghatta (in Bangalore). There was high traffic congestion, as rains were torrential. Where most were thinking about when they may reach home, my mind started to wander, thanks to the loss of my mp3 player.

I had been in touch with people who shared somewhat non belief to the existence of God. This led to my consideration of its validity. However, my inability to hold strong to the subject, due to my flickering mind made it swing to another exercise. Do we pray due to fear or respect?

I pray. I believe in the existence of one supreme power. However, thought of someone having control over my life, my every action, my destiny filled me with awe. I chanced to see dimly outside, still humid with the outpouring. I realized the capacity of that one to destroy, to recreate, anything it may wish.

Do we pray, so that he offers us blessings, grace for our better future. I still know a majority who pray because they feel that if they do not, the respective deity may provide discomfort to their family for not being able to do their duty.

Who defines this duty? Us (humans) or Gods.

Do we pray that he always showers blessings and not discomfort. Do we pray because we fear. Do we pray because its good.

Who defines what is good
? Us or Gods.

Lets do a comparison: Suppose ants have better brains, and they can communicate and understand humans. They start providing obeisance to us, try to please us in whatever way its possible because they know that it’s us, who can either make their life great or worse. They pray, provide obeisance because they know that we have the ability to destroy them.

I have always tried to justify the existence of God. But, on one occasion my helplessness to answer what happens after we die made me rethink. How it would feel. Just because there are so many answers to this does not solve the problem because all that we know are something that we have been told so, but none experienced or realized.

There exists a power for sure. It is a known fact that our ability to understand his creations gives us a more pragmatic reasoning, scientific approach to understanding this world.

But my point is: Do we pray because we are so helpless or because we feel oneness with him OR is it because that we do not realize about this at all?


Submitted by shishir on Thu, 08-May-2008 - 23:47


according to the vedas and as far as i know ......... praying to god is a kind of meditation ...... know as uppasana ........... there are unlimited ways of meditation ....... each different from others, example- concentrating on some object and all ........ but they are generally know as vipasana ............... and as we all know praying, be with any wishes and thoughts, finally gives us strength , energy , optimisium, fresh mind , and enlightment ........ and which is also the aim of any other meditation ........ inputs may be any but the output is same .

regarding god and what happens to us after death has been very well explained in the vedas .......... not only that it also tells us the way to experience them .

Hi shishir,

It would be nice if you could tell briefly about what's written in the Vedas for the benefit of all.


Submitted by geethanjali on Mon, 14-Jul-2008 - 15:44

In reply to by amitsedai


We dont pray to God because he controls our life or because God will be angry with us if we dont pray.We pray to God as an act of gratitude for all the wonderful gifts he gave to us.The magic of prayer is that it gives us tremendous joy and happiness.Thank you God for everything .