On my recent visit to UK whenever someone talked about Bangalore, they made it a point to enquire about the horrible traffic conditions. A true nightmare, the roads of Bangalore are best when you are away from them. Since the day I have started listening to radio stations in Bangalore, I hear of the Banerghatta road and it's traffic woes. But, on Thursday, I came face to face with a traffic condition I could never have imagined.
The drains of Bangalore must have been designed by someone who has spend childhood in desert. For what else could explain the river of water that flows on the roads within minutes of the first showers. This coupled with the badly laid out roads, the presence of manholes any and everywhere and the scores of pits create a perfect blend for a motorist to hate the time when he/she left the peace of the buildings and ventured on the road. And so was it on that Thursday evening.
Though I am not exactly the athletic type, but I can bet 1:10 that I could have easily walked the 4 kms zone starting at shopper's stop faster than any vehicle on the same route. Things had just STOPPED. I was happy to reach home cutting across the narrow streets in the inner BTM layout. But fate had different plans! one of my friends wanted to go home urgently from my flat in BTM Layout. The minute she expressed her desire, I looked at the face of the other motorists in teh room and knew that I had no escape :(.
And so, we left! Hoping that I will be lucky with the traffic, I rode amidst rain figuring out my way through the streets that had confused themselves for ravines. Lucky Me! The traffic towards the Holimau gate was not that crazy. There were many vehicles, but for a biker all was not lost. We did actually manage to skip past at a relatively sober speed. But all this while, I was looking at the other side of the median, staring at the endless traffic that barely moved. One: I had company. Two: I was definitely on the greener side of the fence, And hence the path to the destination was much better than what I had expected it to be.
Return was a different issue. the minute I saw myself with my bike pointing in the direction towards home, I saw a wall, a wall of all types of motors, challenging me and testing my patience. When a boy grows up to being a man, an important change that comes is the increased willingness to accept the things as they are. If I was a few years younger, my temper would have shot across into the sky and I would have been tempted into honking without break. But there I was, trying to make peace with the destiny for the day - driving a few meters every few minutes.
Engineers are by virtue of their existence drawn into exploring the cause and effect model of life. And so, while I waited for the car in front to move a few extra inches.. I carefully analysed the reasons for this increased chaos. And guess what conclusion I came to? It was the traffic policemen!
The people who were posted on duty that night must have decided to trade the call of duty for peace of mind and a little shade from the rain. For a large stretch which had as many intersections as the worst town planning could allow, there was no sign of a singe - usually over zealous - Bangalore Traffic Cop. In the absence of these men, at every junction, people from all sides decided for themselves that they are the ones who should get maximum priority for passing over. And in their quest to realise their decision, in unison they had managed to create a peculiar formation that allowed no one to move an inch. Occasionally though someone would apply a smart trick and make his way. I was calculating in my mind the importance of the seemingly obstructive traffic police people.
After some time, I did see a few of them. They were indeed trying to do their best to ease out the situation. But there were too few of them at that time to be able to handle things effectively. Most of the faces in my vicinity were marked with anger and frustration. Some seemed to have given up. Given up on everything that was coming their way. Each one seemed to curse and curse till the time they found few more inches to push into.
I was trying to sing a song al this while. Some men go crazy too soon. Some go crazy for a short time. In my case, if I loose it upon a situation, it is as good as a self inflicted injury. the frustration lingers on for days. And so I was trying to keep my cool and was humming some favourite numbers while tapping the oil tank of the bike.
As home grew closer, so did the desperation to reach soon. There is one last turn that I though would be a very difficult one. I needed to go to the other side of the road making my way through a junction that was not so prominent. In such situations, the mainstream traffic on both sides can keep you waiting for quite some time. But.. but but.. I had a surprise.. This last turn from the main road was smoother than what it would have been on a normal day. It became the reason for me to write this blog.
A boy of about 16 years of age was standing in the middle of the cross over point. he duly signalled me and all the other motorists who were waiting to cross over to stop. He was wearing rubber slippers and his pants were folded above his knees. His shirt and pant seemed to suggest that he must be working in some local hotel or a mechanic shop. He w3as one of those Indian lads who bear the brunt that life has to offer throughout the day just to keep living.
A few minutes later, he walked straight in the middle of the main road obstructing the traffic on it and signalled for us to move. My bike moved.. and so did my heart. I found it difficult to drive the 50 meters across the road until I parked the bike and turned around to look at him.
Oh Lord! Something inside shook so deeply that I stood their in the rain watching him. Why was he doing it? What did it mean? Who asked him to do so? How does he relate to me? How does he relate to making a better place to live in? Do I, somewhere deep down inside want to have my psyche be tuned into his? A simple boy doing something in his life to make things around him better. For thanks? For name? For fame? For ?? There are too many things left un-answered..Each of us can conclude for ourselves I guess..
I walked upto him. On a moment when the traffic was a bit easy.. all I could think of was to embrace him - and so I did.. he was shocked and stared at me.. But then he smiled.. In contrast with the dark colour of his skin.. his teeth shone bright..
I walked back to my bike and kicked started it.. I was happy. I had been so close to the Spirit of Life!
Thats the difference!!1
Franky speaking I have come across such instances so many times at Indiranagar but I was always in the hurry to reach home..There were few people who used to manage the traffic but i never bothered to stop by vehelce and Thank the person but at bottom of my hearet i knew that the person was making a difference of its own!!!
All in all I saw 2 things ..On one side the person making a diference and on other side the absense of traffice policemen who was supposed to be their and was missing!!!
Let me bring here one more instance ...once i was standing next to a policemen at ULSOOR main road as some person met with an accident.after the person was shifted to hospital we were in a dicussion and Seeing the road side i was so afraid because vehicles in numbers were coming at ver yhigh speed..Then I asked the inspector how they are able to cope up with this..if some person drives rashly then their life its at stake..He replied saying that its their duty and they have to do it!!! i was touched by it
after this incident i have realised how diff is it for traffice policemen to stand at the centre and control the traffic!!!and how comfortable we are sitting in an air conditioned room leaning on the chair!!! The disparity amazes me but at end of day ITS LIFE!!!!
Lalith Parmar
Vande Mataram
For Blood Call 1062
ah..the ever elusive question..
why do we do things which not done won't stop our survival?
the less said about traffic, the better.. it's good to see how one boy can make things better for so many people..
And just a personal comment -> You are the next Chetan Bhagat. Your explanations at some points were just mind blowing.. Amazing blog to read...