
Submitted by ankita on

I was going through all recently posted blogs and found that there r many people who have some sort of idea to bring in change in society or our surrounding. But in depth thought over the idea like its implementation, resources required, plan of action etc is missing and its left to others to think and if someone desires to work for it can take over. And also as the post becomes older readers tend to forget it. Now i have an idea.. why cant we have a separate block in the site dedicated to ideas. This block would have the following headings which would make the person think a lot about his/her own idea before he/she would propose it.
1. Your idea.
2. What are the Benefits?
3. How do you plan to implement it?
4. What are the resources required?
5. What is the plan of action and how much time required to prepare and put into action?
6. What is the source of your idea(motivation behind it)?
It can be in FORM format so that person proposing the idea has to fill up the details and for readers it would be very convenient to read and understand the concept. I m waiting for response....


Submitted by rajat on Thu, 20-Apr-2006 - 14:52


That was a good suggestion. Great enough. Ill look into it.

Submitted by Venu on Sun, 23-Apr-2006 - 11:52


This once agian help us to give full stop to thinking and provides a good start to implement our ideas. Waiting for your idea to be implemented.