My dream to be part of an NGO has finally come true.Sankalpindia played a great role in the fulfillment of my dream.
I have been visiting this site for the past one and a half year.Blogs in Sankalp are very motivating and they made me do some thinking.It not only motivated me but also showed me the way. In an article about the youth of our country in Sankalp, I found the link of a foundation named DreamIndia2020 I contacted a volunteer of DreamIndia named Natarajan. I came to know about Samyuktha foundation from Natarajan .He has been very supportive and encouraging.
Samyuktha foundation runs mobile schools around Hi-Tech city in Hyderabad and also supports various other activities. Here is the link of Samyuktha foundation
Thanks to Sankalp and DreamIndia. On August 23rd, 2008 I finally visited a mobile school in Hyderabad run by Samyuktha foundation. Its a great day in my life. Many thoughts flooded my mind when I saw those smiling children there. They are just amazing. Some of them gave superb dance and singing performances.
My first task in Samyuktha was to track an 8-year old boy (approx) in Telugu, English, Maths and Life skills. This child's name is Balu.There is some spark in his eyes that amazed me. He performed excellently in Telugu, English, Maths of phase-1(Basic education is imparted in two phases in Samyuktha).I was very excited by his performance. When I asked him what he wanted to become in life, he was reluctant to share it with me.( I gave it as homework to him for next week.)
There is another child named Shailaja.My God! She has very high levels of energy and enthusiasm. She danced superbly and she wanted to perform more and more on that day. She is unstoppable. She not only participated but also encouraged her friends to dance and sing with her(she is a database for Telugu songs).I saw a blooming leader in Shailaja.
Not just these two kids but every child present there is special in his/her own way. They showed me the true spirit of life. I enjoyed every moment of my visit. Unknowingly I helped myself by visiting Samyuktha.
Volunteers of Samyuktha are highly committed to the cause they have taken up. They are full of energy and enthusiasm.(This report will become a very long report if I start writing about them. So I will stop here).
May God shower his blessings on those joyful children. I am eagerly waiting for all the wonderful things my next Saturday will bring to me.
Thank you once again Sankalp, for your gift to me.
Feels Great
Helo Geetanjali,
I am also a member of dreamindia2020 and that article was written by me. Feels really great that it inspired you to join the team and serve the society in such a beautiful way. Really proud of you. I read about your classes on their blog site too. Hope you continue with the classes. I am currently preparing a document on creative ways of teaching English to kids. This may be useful to dreamIndia and Sankalp, those who are involved in teaching kids. Let me know your email id so that I can share with you. My ID is
Great job and keep going :)
Hi Ritu
Thank u for the encouragement.
Its a pleasant surprise to meet a volunteer of DI in Sankalp.
My mail id is
Its been great to here from you...Wherever you are and whatever you do just enjoy it...
Keep continuing to teach those wonderful kids and make a difference in their lives!!!
But remember one thing this is only the beginning there is a long way to go!!
So friend let the Blessings of God be with you till the last..Keep Walking
May God Bless You!!
Lalith Parmar