Wow Moment.....

Submitted by rmourya1 on

Yet another Wow moment for me.. for us Indians.. While the people of Mumbai are spending this night uncertain whether they will see tomorrow’s sunrise, the Prime Minister of our country yet again ‘condemns’ the attack and I am trying my best to finish yet another unit of yet another subject to be written in yet another exam.

These events frustrate people like and me and make us feel how helpless and worthless we are. Why the hell do we survive in this rat race to be eaten away or trampled in this sea of complexity that surrounds us? Couple of hours back most of the people would have been thinking about the ways of beating the recession period, about how not to avoid the pink slip, about how to lure more customers to their shop and bang, the next second they are dead for no fault of theirs and we have commandos running all over and ministers delivering the prepared speeches. Damn all of them!!

Why can’t life be as simple as read in those sweet fairy tales narrated by grandparents? Even if not the ideal condition at least somewhere close to it.. But no, we have the great story twisters who are God sent to make this movie of life more interesting. But instead of making this more interesting it’s just destroying it. How I wish I now had a bomb to blow the whole of universe and just balance the equation once and for all and if, after death stories are to be believed, catch the spirit of the strange people who create so much havoc and send them back to earth to rot in the rotten earth and not disturb the peace at least in that place.. But as none of this is possible we will just sit and mourn and condemn along with the ministers.

And as soon as I was going to push the submit button I get the news that ATS chief, Hemant Karkare, has been killed. Before the list goes endless we better bid this drama bbye and wait for some miracle to save us from this misery..



Submitted by pooja on Fri, 28-Nov-2008 - 16:19


those terrorists or millitants ...whatever one calls them are big beasts and so are disgusting.what is wrong with our people ...why do many of us blame our own people when we need each other the most????

do we ever blame the components of our immune system when we are attacked by viruses?do we ever say that our WBCs must have "foreseen"the attack and prevented it??dont we always support our body when the micro-beasts attack our body???why do we do it ?-because it is our own body!!

why dont all the people feel that the whole nation is our OWN and support our OWN army and police personnel who are trying their level best to drive out the beasts that have entered our nation.why do people only sit and lament about how they have not succeeded to foresee the attacks???

and the biggest question that arises in my mind is that -what are these terrorists made up of??how can the kill so many many living beings of their own kind while we cannot even see a dead rat (that probably has troubled us for a longtime)what did we do to them or what did they get by killing so many people???????

can we do something about all this... 

Pooja, The minute I saw you online, I knew a young Indian heart will be looking of answers. I will try and share with you the thoughts my mind is being tormented with. Why are we angry? The first thing is why are we seeing extreme anger and frustration in our people? Why is it that like always, I am not able to hold my frustration? Some very basic things are as follows:
  1. Lack of Trust Do we trust the home minister when he comes in his fancy safari suits and tells us that all that can be done is being done? Time and again such attacks have happened. When they are happening a lot is said and claimed. But have we seen any concrete follow-up by our politicians. When I ask myself if I trust our Home Minister to keep us safe, all I can think of is that I am banking on an incompetent escapist who even refuses to admit the most realistic threats our nation is facing.
  2. Central Intelligence We have various different intelligence agencies and guess what - instead of acting together and sharing all inputs to get to some conclusion - they still blame each other for not giving enough inputs. Why the hell dont the people in Delhi make a central Anti terror Agency? Why do they only talk about it? Why do they only politicise it? How many more attacks will it take for them to wake up?
  3. Lack of Strong Laws Our national parties are debating the pro and cons of Stringent laws. But have you, Pooja, and have you, the reader ever seen any terrorist hanged in India? What message are our leaders giving out to the terrorists? If you are so and so religion - one political party will ensure that you do not pay for your crime and if you are of the other religion - the other party will call a bund! What is the message a budding terrorist is getting? If I go to India and kill a hundred people, I am more likely to become a hero for a certain group of people rather than being stoned to death. What we ask is what the Government has done about all the blasts in the past? how do we believe if anything better will happen.
  4. Magnitude Taking the biggest hotels hostage, killing the 3 top cops, massacring a 100 people --- this is getting too bad. America had one 9/11 - they did something about it. With each passing day our Government has done nothing but encouraged the terrorists by not doing much!
  5. Lies I heard some Big wigs say that the terrorists will pay for this. What??? Stop playing with our emotions. Just keep shut and do your work! By making tall claims in these troubled times no one is making anything better.
We surely stand by our armed forces - the NSS - the MARCOS - the ARMY- the state reserved police and all the other people involved. We are in a fight and we will surely stand by our people. What tears the mind and the soul up is if we are expected to stand by them again and again even as we see our people butchered!! There has always been a fight between the good and the bad. The terrorists may have some motives. They may have some resources. The big question is - does a common man on an Indian street believe that the people who are supposed to be good people in our Nation (and who have the authority and power to do things) are really deeply concerned out our safety? We hate them for what they have been doing. Each one of them. By their incompetency and callousness on matters of national safety - they have put us in the present day situation. What we can do? In my life I have never felt so helpless. I feel so helpless that I cant really describe. I really don't know what is it that we can do to actually change the situation. I don't know how but I want to ask the Government - somehow - that this is what we want answers. As a nation I believe we need the following things - a stringent policy for no-compromise with the terrorists .. clearly defined and functional - a specialised nodal agency to tackle all issues related to terror - the stringiest laws to bring the terrorists to book - a complete overhauling of the police system and the intelligence - political conviction NOT to support anyone who is a terror suspect for political gain.

the only feeling we all have is that of helplessness.....and hoping that we shall all stand united against them and atleast this shall wake up the Government

praying God to give us the strength to recover from this and maintain peace henceforth....

i guess this is all i can do at the moment.

and thank you for explaining the feeling each Indian is undergoing now ,i am now a little clear about what each of us is going through.

Submitted by rajat on Fri, 28-Nov-2008 - 16:59


At least this time - there is no negotiation with terrorists - the talk with Pak is tough - the media is reporting responsibly - the Political parties have not started playing their games as yet