It is like the realization of dreams. It is like the wish come true. It is the chance we had been waiting for. It so seems God wants us to walk. It so seems that he is making the way for us. It seems like he is removing every thorn that was a deterrent and bringing to us a whole new world of opportunity. In excitement and in anticipation we walk the new roads - our roads to glory.. Our roads - which promise pain but only to be followed by flawless joy. Makes me think often of the day when we watch the party move by and sip our hot cups of TEA.
* HURT *Bent and let down hurt and bleeding - struggling to keep the nerves intact - struggling not to let go the worst of inner self to manifest itself. A mind struggling to try and forget what it does not want to remember. A heart which refuses to accept reality. The dreams have become nightmare and the answers seem to question back the soul. Hopeless.. tight-lipped.. I stand here and wait for nightmare to get over ..
* NERVOUS *"When the going gets tough - The Tough gets Going!" First half is in. The second half should happen. Not just inside this creepy little soul but for every soul associated with this eternal goal. It's going to be a testing time - something like never before - and men should make it a time they will be proud of all their lives. Nervous learner struggling to keep up - not full in energy - not full in confidence - but somewhere right there - in the middle of the game. More than willing to give what it TAKES.
Tea coming back :)