Pursuit Of Happyness

Submitted by amitsedai on

Sometime I wonder at the relevance of my existence. The reason why I was born.

I have heard about spirituality which talks about the reason of human existence is Nirvana, Moksha, beng one with God etc.

Sometimes I hear of revolutionaries becoming martyrs for the sake of their nation. It evokes deep motivation inside to hear about people like us, who placed everything in their life at stake to work for a single cause, being truthful, being consistent , even die for that cause.

Sometimes I hear about successful businessmen, sportsperson all for whom media claims to be successful people having achieved their dream.

I wonder, for what was I born?

Frankly, I do not share any grand dreams of becoming any of these. I just want to be happy. Now, how this happiness will be realized is what I am looking for.

Sometimes, I dream of working endlessly for a purpose I wanted to fulfill, enjoying every bit of toil and pain it took to fulfill that purpose. I dream of the best cup of tea in the world which comes after having done something for which I had to toil so much.

I am not afraid of hard work, I am not afraid of any sacrifice that I have to make if I believe that doing that work will make me happy, one that makes my day.

I believe true happiness is deserved. It is deserved by dint of hard work, no matter what or where.

I am in search of that dream.. I don't know what will come in the future for which my heart will say... This is it. Now fulfill your destiny.

I respect all sorts of people.. Revolutionaries, businessmen etc, all those who worked for some purpose. But there is one clause. Did they work because they saw people appreciate those who worked on those grounds, OR did they work for themselves, work for the deep inside..

I am in Pursuit of such Happyness..


Submitted by rajat on Wed, 11-Mar-2009 - 10:30


At the end of the movie -"The Pursuit of Happyness" the question that struck me was - Did he actually find happiness once in for all? Or was it just that one moment that came after the toil of a lifetime.. I don't usually quote movies but here I am reminded of one more moment in the film Bluffmaster. Have a look below: It is the moments in life that matter. Is it not?

Submitted by Jayesh on Wed, 11-Mar-2009 - 14:03


Not at all a new questions for me. Many,many and many times same set of question has turn moil my mind at different times in different forms. First time this question struck me around 4 year back. Ya you reading it write. 4 year back. More interesting is i am still on my way to find answer. But what i have learn in this years while exploring is you can not get the right path by standing in the junction. You have to take a path and start walking, if you are in wrong one, time will tell you and than only who can know what is right for you. Till then "Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish, Keep Walking" :)