Proving one's point??

Submitted by amitsedai on

Proving one's point

I have heard this phrase several times. Mostly from highly ambitious egoistical types (A bit of ego is good enough), but never really understood. I have seen people straining themselves to just prove this thing. I got more confused.

Just few minutes back, I felt as if I understood what it meant.

People have ego. As I told , a bit of ego is good [Self Protection]. When one sees oneself capable of doing or achieving something, but somehow luck fails or something doesnt happen we find that the thing which was so easy to achieve suddenly becomes elusive.

There are instances of people blaming luck, others for being partial, cheating and so on - and the case of blame transfer goes on. I do not say that these people are liars or they just want to hide their incompetence. Even I did that. But their is a flip side to this part of the story.. This is how it goes.

I strongly believe that today, what we are is because of our past actions. The academics that we did, the effort that we put in, and the other interests that we had, which lead us to what we are today. Guess what?? Some people call it destiny. You may extrapolate it to previous life .. karma etc. But this is atmost what I am willing to take for the moment.

Misfortune is a part of life. But what is important is how we use it to bring in a change in ourselves, better ourselves. History knows that people who had always achieved whatever they wanted, never became someone who people remember. Think about it - 1st Class in Academics all through the career, became a IAS officer, big shot.. so what.

History also has instances of a different genre of people. Those who made their failures as an opportunity to bring in a change in themselves. You know them, they are the people to look up to, the pillars we count upon. You know why? ?Because things which are worth emulating are not so easy to get. Failure is one way of finding oneself.

Now the point is - It may be destiny which is bringing you to unfortunate situations. There may be reasons, good enough, because of which you may not be able to succeed. But it is always important to give one more try. Maybe thats what destiny is all about.

Similar things are happening to me. Though I wont disclose, but they are important things as people say... but hey, thats just perspective. What may be important to others may not be as important to you.

And yes, I am going to prove a point . But I see no one to prove a point. The world is too small, too selfish to waste time proving one's point. I am not bothered who says what and so on. Anyway why should I?Hence I will be proving a point to myself. If failures, misfortune are not followed by changes good enough, it is an opportunity wasted. Every single failure would result in a far greater change in myself. A change for the better. The more they come, the more changes they will help. Let failures become afraid of emerging again.

I am bugged by the slackness around me. I am gonna give a tough fight. The time has come for tough decisions and actions...

If things work out... I would be happy seeing an opportunity taken.


Submitted by rajat on Mon, 13-Apr-2009 - 16:23


When you are able to PROVE THAT POINT - To yourself.. each one of those days.. rings like the best of music in your ears till the time you die. When you taste victory it will be well deserved. Keep Going ! :)

Submitted by Jayesh on Tue, 14-Apr-2009 - 01:04


Khudi ko kar buland itna ke har taqder se pehle Khuda bande se ye poche bata teri raza kia hai...

Submitted by rajat on Mon, 11-May-2009 - 13:25


Sometimes in order to prove your point you need to lay low.. Sometimes the situation demands you not to try to prove it and just sit still.. This is demanded of you till the time that the person who you wanted to prove a point to either endorses it by himself, or you realise that the person actually had a better point. The threat in this situation is time and loss. If the point if understood late then there is a penalty. The trade-off is between avoiding confrontation and letting things happen at their own pace and the penalty. I often get confused when I have to choose one between the two. But, I usually yield in favour of the wait state. Many times it has given spectacular results with complete acceptance and approval coming up by itself. At other times it has been a very painful wait which never seems to end. Dunno if it is relevant with what you wrote. But I am sure it is related to the topic ;-)