O My Dear Butterfly!!

Submitted by geethanjali on

I hardly paid any attention to butterflies till I read the book " Family Wisdom" by Robin Sharma .In this beautiful book , the protagonist Julian Mantle and his sister Catherine receive a golden butterfly as a gift from their father.This is the trigger for me to notice colorful butterflies around me.This noticing gradually changed to admiration and now to joy.A sight of a butterfly makes me so happy and eventually makes my day beautiful.The most beautiful thing about butterfly is the way it flies. It has very delicate wings and yet it flies against the winds as if nothing can stop it in this world.It hardly cares the chaos around it.It knows only flying . Unstoppable !!

One day ,as usual, I encountered a butterfly on my way.That day I was very frustrated with life and my friend butterfly tried to make me happy by its presence. But I was in no mood to be happy.I cursed all the circumstances that are making me feel sad,mad,bad. In the midst of this cursing , the thought of butterfly came to my mind. How lucky the butterfly is!!It has nothing to do and it has no circumstances that make it feel sad, mad, bad.I wished I were a butterfly.

After pondering over butterfly for some time , the realization dawned to me that the butterfly evolved from a catterpillar.It was not born as a butterfly.How strange!!So to become a buterfly I have to first become a catterpillar.God's design of this Universe is so amazing.I never heard of anything like a catterpillar crying for being a catterpillar or for not being a butterfly.Then why am I crying ? I felt that like a catterpillar , there is definitely a butterfly hidden in me.To find out this hidden butterfly in me ,I need to have endurance of a catterpillar.Without a caterpillar there is no butterfly. This realization soothed me and brought me back to normal state.I felt awe towards catterpillar for its endurance and optimism and also truly understood the cliche "No Pain. No Gain"

Kudos to you my dear butterfly !! You make my life beautiful just by your presence . You give me strength by your silent urging " One day you are going to be a butterfly and you wil never be a cattepillar once you become a butterfly. So cherish this valuable moment of beign a catterpilar and trust God."


Submitted by pooja on Fri, 05-Jun-2009 - 17:22


Once a very small kid was very facinated to see a butterfly coming out of its cocoon .he started observing it with great interest.he observed that it was sruggling to come out and decided to help it by cutting the cocoon with a scissor. but he was stopped by his teacher and she told him that the sruggle it undergoes while coming out of the cocoon will strengthen its wings to fly throughout its life...In the same way to evolve into a butterfly we have to fight our way through difficulties and God will always be with us...after all He created us just as he did the butterfly....So face any situation that comes before u...afterall it is just one step towards the life of a butterfly and never forget that He is with you!

Submitted by rajat on Fri, 05-Jun-2009 - 19:04


Whenever you encounter pain and frustration, try to smile and rejoice. You are already paying. As you say - "No pain No Gain". Is it not better to pay first and then enjoy rather than the other way round? "Keep Walking!"