On 1st of March 2009 we got a request for blood for an anaemic patient. On further dialogue we came to know that patient is admitted in a Government hospital and needs Bombay Blood group units. Doctor informed us that at least 5 units will be required in a period of 3-4 days as patient was suffering from severe anaemia.
We decided to visit the hospital. Two of our volunteers went to meet the patient and her husband. The lady's parents had deserted her and had said that they don’t bother even if she dies. There was a chance that one of her parents might be having Bombay Blood Group but they simply refused to get their blood grouping done. Lady's husband is a coolie and therefore do not afford expensive treatment or transfer of blood units from other cities.
We knew its one of the rarest case. Sankalp Volunteers had decided not to give up whatever it takes. We consulted other doctors and medical social workers and got the patients transferred to another hospital where we were sure better health care will be provided at highly subsidised cost. But this also did not prove to be smooth enough as patient’s husband faced difficulty while transferring the patient. Hospital refused to provide ambulance and he could not afford an ambulance service from outside. A very popular free ambulance service provided by the Government came to our rescue and assured to reach the pickup point whenever called. When we called next day they refused saying their service is only for medical emergencies (God knows what they mean by this). Patient's husband finally decided to take her in an auto. There was already 5 hours delay.
Meanwhile few of our volunteers kept searching for Bombay Blood Group donors nationwide. By evening we were able to get one donor, Mr Sridhar. He is a regular blood donor and therefore came forward to donate for this lady on single call. Next day morning this unit was transfused along with few other medicines. Remarkable improvement in her HB was observed.
Things were going well be suddenly in the evening doctor informed us that one more blood unit will be required as delivery has to happen immediately. We started contacting all the donors. Volunteers went door to door in search of donors. Fortunately we got one more donor, Mr Raja Subbaiah. Doctors kept the delivery on hold till the time this unit of blood was donated and processed. Within 15 minutes after the blood was ready, baby boy was born. Both Mother and child were doing well. This was the moment which withdrew all the tiredness of 3 days and brought a big smile on our face.